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Stepping away from the stress is a great way of regrouping. Your focus regenerates your motivation.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I also listen to all kinds of music when I feel stressed out. FInd a hobby that best works for you when you get stress. In addition, not only will your activity reduce your stress, but you will be calm and eb focus on what you need to do.


I agree, find what works for you and use it to your advantage. Keep in mind the importance of your balance in life with exercise, mental activity, healthy life style and spiritual rejuvenation.

Dr. Gary Carlson

In order for me to handle work place stress, it helps to have a good friend or co-worker that you know is on your side. As a manager and with being in charge of 50+ students, you are sometimes perceived as the bad guy. Having someone that supports and believes in you helps. I also make sure on very stressful days that I take a lunch away from my desk to ensure a break.


Having a colleague who is a good listener and can be constructive with your issues always helps. I have had many people in my career who have remained good friends through many conversations.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I find when under an intense out of stress at work it helps to stop, find a quiet place to breath and think through my issues. Then I can return to work and be productive

This is a good tactic. I often would take a walk if you can. I visited with colleagues.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I recognized that my stress has been triggered, stop , breathe, counted to 10 and thought through the best way to handle what was stressing me out.

Joseph ,

I having knowledge of how to control stress is key. Being in control of what you can control.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I myself have handled it well at times and poorly at times. I found that exercise is one of the best ways to handle stress. I have also found that coffee isn't a very good way to handle the increased work load. In short my coffee addiction increased as my intake increased. I've often recommended to people to take me time go get a massage or simply take a walk around the block it does wonders. The simplest thing that I recommended is to breathe slowly. My daughter is currently using this technique before bed each night not to overcome stress but to train her body to go into a parasympathic state. The while running when she changes her breathing pattern her body automatically switching into a more relaxed state allowing her to run faster longer.

Hope this helps:)

The best way for me to handle work-related stress is to workout. Even if I can only squeeze in a 20 minute run, it's better than just sitting on the couch. I always feel less-stressed after a good workout.

it is important to know your body. Not all the same things work for everyone. When you find what works best it is important to remain consistent. Keep your practice healthy which you have done.

Dr. Gary Carlson

A balance to your life is important. Balancing is important with mental activity, exercise, healthy lifestyle and spiritual rejuvenation.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Thinking positive,talking positive and acting positive is the key to less stress in the workplace.


Positive talk to yourself is essential for success in life. A book that is very helpful is a book authored by Lou Tice called "Positive Talk"

Dr. Gary Carlson

Dr. Carlson: By listening to co-workers or students and letting them know that you understand their problems, it helps relieve their stress. It also helps to relieve mine, as a professor, as I see the "light bulb" go on and I too feel better that they understand what they need to do.

That is the best feeling when you see the light bulb go off. Empathy is what we are talking about. The best leaders and teachers have this attribute. Good for you!!

Dr. Gary Carlson

Dr. Carlson: It's a shame that we let stress affect us so. Thank you for your comments.

We need to only be cognizant on how to handle situations within our control. You are on the right path.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Thank you again Dr. Carlson. Life would be so much easier if we just learned to handle what is "in" our control!

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