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To me, being focused, realistic and discussing to friends and co-workers or peers help to get rid of stress.

If you have people you trust with your thoughts this is great technique. Listening is 87% of communication.

Dr. Gary Carlson

For me, I like to shut the door to the room and lock it. I put my head phones on and I jam to music, while I get my lab stuff together.


Music is always a good detraction from stress. Any kind of music that helps would be ok. Your ability to find something that works for you is the best technique. Not everything works for all people.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I also use the slow down the breath technique or go outside for some fresh air. I also suggest creating an email sharing your my thoughts but it is not addressed to anyone, save it until the next day and usually end up deleting it as it does get resolved.

More than once in my life it has been beneficial to step back and think outside of the situation. Stepping back and giving you some time to think and broaden your thinking process is always a good thing to practice. You are definitely on the right track. Sometimes it is a very difficult decision but taking time to think it our is always good if you have the time.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I keep one good friend, not in my department that I can talk freely and candidly to. We listen to one another's issues and challenges and provide good unbiased advice- or sometimes just listen. If I don't feel like I can share my grievance or challenge- I write down my stuff on a piece of paper and then shred it!

It is always a good practice to have someone who can be a good listener and a confident. These conversations are valuable when you have this person who has integrity, honesty and above all a caring attitude for you.

Dr. Gary Carlson

In the hospitality field one experiences stress quite often particularily when it comes to meeting deadlines. I find an adverse reaction when I become over stressed, things just dont go right and stress stockpiles. I find that being calm and collected helps to elimanate most of the stress which helps me to focus on the problem at hand. Most of the time proper communication and planning eliminates these issues.

Go for a walk, take a break, talk about it and breath are my most common suggestions.

I had learned from to use deep breathing as a mini relaxation during the day. I had changed my diet to reduce both stress and cholesterol. I always be careful what I say to myself because I will believe what I say! I am still making adjustments to stop taking work home with me. My conditions at work are improving to lighten the demands being put on me. My boss was always reassuring me during this time and I took his words to heart-making me feel great about our work. I found a family member I can vent to daily as needed. I lay out all my daily needs the night before. I plan my upcoming week on fridays and review daily. And, finally I spoke to my doctor about the stress levels and physical responses to stay ahead of health issues. I know to expect stress, that it is normal and good for me. But, I need not allow it to become a toxic situation in my life.

Work place stress is a reality for most of us. In todays economic times it seems that there is an attitude of anyone can be replaced and will be. I find that doing my; best every day and holding myself accountable to my work is the best way to help me keep from feeling stressed. I also speak often with my supervisor for feedback on expectatons and job performance.

Only recognize what you can do and accomplish and go with all your energy to complete those things you can make a difference.

Dr. Gary Carlson

These are excellent ideas and with keeping you life in balance works for you own health.

Dr. Gary Carlson

It seems you have all the basis covered. Your total look at yourself and the needs you may have are extremely important.

Dr. Gary Carlson

This idea of anyone can be replace is completely wrong. Everyone that is hired has a worth to the organization or they shouldn't have been hired. People feeling needed and having value makes for a loyal employee.

Dr. Gary Carlson

My first career was 29 yrs in the U.S. Army... I ran and exercised virtually every day. After starting my second career as a public high school administrator, I noticed that many days I felt "flat" (slow, listless, wandering mind, etc). I became convinced that lack of recurring exercise was the issue. So, during the day I started walking around the school track... just one or two laps made all the difference. Sometimes teachers accompanied me during their planning periods... great time think, talk and sort out the challenges facing us!

The body is always in need of some balance. Physical exercise, mental recreation, recreation and spiritual rejuvenation all helps us be a better critical thinker and problem solver.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Second Thought. Throughly analysis the situation and make to the point. Then come to conclusion.

The more knowledge the better. If you have the time to completely analyze the instance or challenge for a better understanding of the correct actions needed you will succeed more than not.

Dr. Gary Carlson

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