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The best way to handle stress for me is leaving the situation and take a quick walk releasing all my anger and frustration. then come back when I am all cool down.

Stepping back from a situation to catch your breath and think through it logically is a good practice. Sometimes it is good to remove yourself totally from the issue and then revisit it later. This may give a new perspective and solution oriented attitude.

Dr. Gary Carlson

if and when i get stressed at work, i usually stop, breath take a brief timeout and think to myself is this worth getting stressed about and if it is how can i fix it. I used to react right away and now i have found that if you step back and take time to think about the stressor most of the time its not as big of a deal as you originally thought.

One of the ways I advise students to put their stress into perspective is to ask them how important this one problem is compared to what they have accomplished in their lives. This usually reduces the at the moment trauma.

Keeping a positive attitude! There is notthing worse than coming to the work place, and having to deal with negativity from the same people everyday! So, I try to keep a smile on my face and give encouraging words to those type of people.

I handle my workplace stress by exercising regularly and talking problems through with my husband. I find that putting small things into perspective helps diminish worry and stress.

I can support your decision that reacting to a situation with emotion usually is unwarranted. You are on the right track when you step back and take a second look at the situation. Stress can be avoided when you can are in a calm state.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Calling attention to real life situations is always a great way of getting ownership of the lesson to be learned. Your method is very good.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Positive out weighs negative. If you can get your people to ignore the negative and extenuate the positive you can diminish the negative over a span of time. This is something the team and leaders need to acknowledge and work to eliminate the negative.

Dr. Gary Carlson

When you have someone you can talk to and trust is a great value to your stress reduction. Keeping a balanced life with health practices, mental exercises, exercise and spiritual rejuvenation you can have a better handle on addressing stress.

Dr. Gary Carlson

For some time now, I have employed a very simple stress management strategy. "Control your controlables and let the rest go".

This may work for you sometime until you meet up with trauma or crisis. You need to make a special preparation for things you can't control. This stress is relieved when you have prepared for it. People who have created a balanced life through good health practices, exercise, mental relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation have a positive chance of conquering stress.

Dr. Gary Carlson

* stating my concerns to a co-workers
* being a ear to listen to a co-workers concerns
* talking a plan out if possible to resolve any concerns shared.
* letting someone in charge know about the concerns to get help.

These are all good practices. When listening it is always a great skill to be able to read between the lines and recognize what they are really trying to express. When you can show your interest and understanding you will gain trust of the employees by your listening skills.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Walk away from the office, take a walk outside and get some fresh air. Take breaks and lunch off campus/site.

I agree, do not hold it in. letit out to the appropriate trusted source.

It is always good to step back for a minute and your practice is a good one. Keep in mind you should also take care of yourself by maintaining a balanced life with good health habits, exercise, mental relaxation activities, recreation and spiritual rejuvenation.

Dr. Gary Carlson

People who hold back and internally are like a balloon that keeps filling up until it explodes. The explosion could be with many different aspects. None are probably good. Before that happens work with your most trusted friends or colleagues.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I take a deep breath and try to share my concern with others around me.

Sharing with a positive attitude is a great leadership trait. Emotion kept to a minimum will enhance the message you have to give.

Dr. Gary Carlson

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