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IWBs utilizing clickers can cognitively engage students if the instructor/teacher integrates formative feedback.

The white board enables the instructor to capture the input of students while they are discussing a topic. This enables them to see how knowledge being developed in the discussion. This interaction turns knowledge into a discovery process instead simple remembering of facts.

A white board enables the instructor to capture the discussion and learning going on in the class. By using a white board student are able to see the knowledge the class is generating in their discussion and analysis of the current topic.

The use of the white board is analogous to having the student come up to the front of the class and work through a problem with the instructor. Allowing a student to engage in the learning material can increase the learning outcomes

Yes, old methods and new technology :)

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Rarely. The IWB is one of the most expensive pieces of technology one can employ with the least impact on students.

It is truly a "teacher toy."


1. It is designed for teachers to continue the current paradigm of instruction: "Sage on the Stage."
2. Only one person can use it at a time. I can use a conventional white ort chalkboard and have several students use it at once.
3. It is the message not the medium. Pedagogy has to change first. IWB tonot encourge this.
4. As for posting classroom instruction on line, a cheap web cam would work better.

As a technology director, I have refused to waste district funds on these. We have a few purchased with grants (I will waste other people's money). I focus on implementing interactive technologies that all students can use and cones that move the pedagogical paradigm towards constructivism.

The use of the white board can be an effective tool to heighten interaction with students. I have used the whiteboard during my classes and student's love it and seem more engaged. I always use them for brainstorming sessions and students have to create a list, which helps them when researching topics for their final projects. Additionally, I use them when I pair students off into groups and they have to present their ideas. This really engages them and enhances collaboration when they have to come up to the board and present their ideas. Finally, I believe utilizing whiteboards is a wonderful tool to help with multiple learning styles, especially visual learners because they more readily communicate in class and are not as shy.

Take care...

An interactive white board can be used to create a visual depiction of the key lessons and to show an illustration of the topic.

I often use a white board during training of adult learners as the white board becomes to focal point of the discussion and it allows me to visually depict an example of the point I am trying to make.

In the old days before computers there was a chalk board. The teacher would use it to demonstrate or illustrate procedure such as math problems and then have a student repeat the procedure at the board in front of everybody. This was an uncomfortable place for a student to be and most are reluctant to be in that position. I was one of those students.An interactive white board to me is less intimidating and I am more likely to interact with it.I am a gadget person so the use of this technology would fascinate me, yet there are those who are intimidated by technology and would rather observe than participate.Its one thing to have to explain a procedure or technique to a student such as the order of operations in math, however demonstrating it on the white board will give more power to the learning process and overall understanding of the subject matter.

Good points. I agree that anything can intimidate students but when presented constructively can help the learning process.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

The white board is most effective in demonstrating how to apply what is being learned. For example, if the assignment is to write a compare and contrast essay, showing students how to develop a thesis and organize an outline using a white board is powerful, as it gives them a concrete way to view what many students consider abstract concepts. I also encourage a workshop atmosphere when using a white board, encouraging students to participate by bringing their working thesis statements, which we can then fine tune. Many students review these recorded white board sessions many times as they then work independently on their projects.


Great examples of use...thank you for sharing those. Capturing brainstorming and facilitating idea-exchange are great uses of this technology.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

An interactive “white board” is absolutely one of my favorite tools to use every time I lecture. I try to use as many white board tools as possible. I use it not only to post relevant information but to highlight the most important information with the “underlining” and “highlighting” tools available to me. I also post images (mostly maps) and statistical tables as needed. Students seem to enjoy the wide range of visual enhancements to my lectures that the white board provides as they often refer to something that is presented on it.

Interactive white boards allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and collaborate with the class. The research shows that applying new information helps with retaining that knowledge in the long-term.

Also, engaging students in finding their own connection points for the information through brainstorming is very helpful.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

I have to point out that I have not yet had the pleasure to work with an interactive white board but I understand its functionality. In a real classroom students can interact with the screen as well as someone working the computer, which shows up as a projection on the white board. This can be done on an online environment using the white board and empowering students to add to the white board.
I have used a projection of a document like a graph instead of onto a screen, onto a white board. Students or myself can then highlight important points, say an inflection point, on a graph. My usage has been crude, using dry erase markers. I assume that with the ability to use a stylus that computes the x/y coordinates and interfaces these data with a computer, that this can only heighten student and teacher interaction.

Yes, there are fully online versions, physical versions for classrooms as well as projected surfaces. All are basically the same principle of collaborative learning. The wonderful functionality, too, is that screen shots can be captured and distributed for ongoing interaction.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Interactive whiteboard can be used to increase student interaction. Because all students have access to the electronic whiteboard, they are able to post comments or solve problems on the board. This creates a collaborative learning session in which all students feel comfortable and confident to share their ideas.

Have you had good success using this technology with your students?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Yes I have. Students seem to retain the information better. Not only that but it makes the learning environment more exciting.

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