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Creating Useful Forms and Processes | Origin: ED207

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Outside the Classroom: Experiential Learning --> Creating Useful Forms and Processes

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internship can be a very benefitial experience for the student and should be of help for the company that takes them in also.

In order to properly evaluate the student there are certain things that must be done:

Keep a close supervision of the student

Make sure that he keeps a record of his shores and hours in order to be able to see if the requirements are met

Always Provide Feedback As To The Pro's and Con's of Internship, So Program Officials Can Aid In Developing Better Outcomes For Students. 

Tracking your work and what you learrned is important. Feedback is valuable to both employee and employer. 

To start the internship, it is important to have contract signed between the student and supervisor. This will be great way to specify job responsibilities and policies for both sides. Another good idea is to keep communications open to ensure that expectations are met.  Both student-intern and the supervisor should keep journals to document the work done and the hours worked.

As a possible supervisor to a student-intern, I will offer a project and help the student to complete it. I will ask the students to submit self-evaluation for their completed portions and will set up time to discuss with them areas for need of improvement.

I do have a question. If an intern decides that the career path he has choosen is not for him for whatever reason, will that end up as a job that he quit permanently on his record since he was not officially hired? If it dosen't leave a negative permanent record than that would be a definite plus for both employer and employee. The employer dosen't end up with an unhappy employee, and the employee dosen't end up with a career he dislikes without damaging his record.


Documentation of learning experiences, outcomes should be required. It is also important to assess the effectiveness of programs and identify what needs to change.

Intership is a symbiotic relationship and we should promote the process.

Internships are contractural relationships that have pre-determined objectives that are required to be met.  While in an intern status, the intern would need to document thier hours and ensure that the arrangement is adequate (from their perspective) to meet their objective requirements.  At the same time, the supervisor should be monitoring the progress of the intern throught the intern phase through visits, projects, and presentations.  This enhances the learning experience and establishes a portfolio going forward.

Use Contractrs with students to have clear outcomes, students will know what is expected of them.  The supervisor should be involved and communicating with all parties.


Keeping a record of work performance and feelings are important to help evaluate and learn from the entire experience. 

The intern should be required to keep track of the work and experiences he has had

As internship provide great opportunity learn new things, it is essential that the student should document all learning experiences, outcomes. 

Hi Everyone!


Internships are extremely beneficial, and having a contract between the internship site and intern is important to ensure expectations are laid out.  I definitely agree and encourage interns to maintain a journal of their experience day-to-day to reflect upon and take notes to assist in their success for employment.  Thank you!


The use of a diary is an excellent idea. It is something that will not only help during the intership, but can be continued during their career to document important milestones or how a problem was successful solved and can be reviewed at a later date if that problem reoccurs.


I found journaling/keep a diary of the experience to be extremely helpful.  It allows for one to reflect on the good and the bad (where improvement is needed).  I feel that this tool also helps the internship coordinator keep a pulse on the student completing the internship.


very nice


I have learned that interns and the internship model not only provides us with viable candidates in the workplace, but it also serves as an opportunity for the interns to bring back a wealth of knowledge to their peers. The intern completes a presentation so everyone involved can learn from the things he or she was exposed to, making the entire experience a well rounded one. I will use this concept in future endeavors to ensure everyone learns from the intern. 


 The internship process is very valuable to the students and the instructors when done properly. The intern needs good orientation and needs to sign a contract on what he/she will do and what is expected. The intern should make daily log entries of his/her experience every day so the student can reflect on what was done. The instrujctors need to give the interns feedback so the student can adjust his/her learning as needed.

Clear objectives for students and good monitoring of their activities and evaluation. Shluld meet the objectives.


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