Paul Billeter

Paul Billeter

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Sustainability in my welding program would take the effort of all stakeholders. I like the idea of a SBE for my program. I have tried fund raisers where we made items to be sold, but in the end we broke even. Steel prices are expensive and continue to rise. It's very hard to predict and control for. 

Industry certifications earned by students during school is a preferred hiring credential for many industries. The OSHA 10 card is one such certification that has helped all of my students.

I think I would have to start by including my administration in creating a SBE at our Tech Center. This biggest issue would be for us to not be in competition with our business partners that are on our Advisory Boards. That being said, this would be a great opportunity for our students to get a real world experience of business.

This is my first time considering this type of venture, and I am open to trying this. Live event learning is the highest form of learning and shows the highest level of retention.

I liked that this emphasized focusing on the objectives to be learned not the person. Objectives are actionable and measurable. Focusing on the person is subjective and results in an attempt to motivate the person externally rather than internally.

The biggest take away is both the on-site supervisor and on-campus internship supervisor must cooperatively work together to ensure a quality experience for the intern. This includes providing a wide variety of experiences and follow up visits for the intern to meet the objectives of the placement.

Documentation from beginning to end help the intern connect the learning objectives laid out to them by the academic institution as well as the potential hiring spot. Reflection and evaluation is at the heart of this as the intern concludes their experience. Hopefully, this will lead to a possible position within the company.

Internship Supervisors have a duty to train interns in professional behavior. Professional communication is a top priority for supervisors to hone their interns. Derogatory speech, racist language, etc. must be eradicated before entering the work place.

Internships offer a great opportunity for both the student and place of employment. Internships help to find appropriate placements for all students across the hiring spectrum.

I have learned that the elements of gaming are easy to incorporate. I will modify a few of the things I am already doing to add gamification to my academic learning goals.

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