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The ability for a student to apply what they have learned in a real-world working setting makes internships a significant resource, not just for the organization to evaluate the performance and coach a future employee.

Career development and advancement is key to integrating what is learned in the classroom and put in the practical setting.

Comment on Michael Mitchell's post

Internships are a great way for students to begin their network and to learn more about the company's success records.  Students have been given the opportunity to make decisions about their career goals.  

Excellent opportunity for the Intern to become knowledgeable about a company and assess what and why they may make a positive influence as a potential EE if hired.

Basic knowledge is important to review because most of the knowledge application is based on the previous basic knowledge.

Internships are a great preparation for a career. It helps a student gain responsibility and prepare for the future. 

Internships provide students with hands-on experience in a real-world work environment. This practical experience allows students to apply the theoretical knowledge they have gained in their academic studies to real-life situations. Internships also offer opportunities for skill development, provides a change to build valuable professional networks, and may boost confidence and self-esteem.

It is truly vital that students are able to have practical practice in their future professions if they are to build confidence and succeed in their endeavors

Internships give the student the opportunity to apply what they learned in a classroom setting and applying it in a hands on way of extending the learning.

Internship brings the student the possibility to practice the skills learned in the classroom setting.

We are doing trades so an internship is really lab help.They must be licensed in the trade and the lesson planning is what needs to be learned.

Internships provide field experience for students whilst providing temporary help for the organization. Like a peer mentioned previously this is a mutually beneficial experience for the parties involved. 

Internships are a valuable tool to help students recognize how their training will be actionable in their future career.

Internships are an invaluable resource. It is an excellent work placement opportunity.

Internships are a great recruitment opportunity form employers

Internships portray as a gateway of opportunities for students to be able to grow and demonstrate their skill set to their future employer and to determine if they play a good fit for the intern and employer. 

Internship great way to learn skills and make connections

Internships are a great tool for the student to explore opportunities and test their skills and knowledge base. 

We have an agreement with the Coastal Marine Education and Research Academy for our internships and it is incredibly beneficial to students and employers.

Internships can be very helpful for students at all levels to help them get real world experience and get ready for the job force. 

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