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Students not only obtain learning experiences but also valuable work experience with internships.

Best to do an internship

Internship is a great opportunity for the sutdents as well as the employers

Hello Everyone!  I agree, internships are definitely invaluable, providing a wonderful experience to students during their studies.  They feel more confident, are able to connect what they learned in class and apply it to the real world in their internship and gain experience needed for their ultimate success.  Thank you!

Internships are one of the best things for a student to practice skills they have learned during their education as well as any they will learn with their preceptor. It is also the best way to determine if that job is what you want or if you want to do something different. They will get to know those that they would most likely be working with, will be taught the company's culture and see if it is a good fit. Many times, the company will offer them a job when they complete the intership. A win-win for both!


Internships provide great opportunities to gain experinece to "real life" situations at potential future employment locations.  I feel that its important for a student to have at least a general idea of what their interests are to gain the most from the opportunity.




I have learned that internships are very valuable as far as providing productive "preseasoned" if you will, staff to the workplace. They will stick around longer, probably because they feel more comfortable in the setting. They are able to jump right in and complete the work we assign to them because they are coming with experience. Internships in nursing is valuable. It provides novice nurses with great opportunities to gain insight and knowledge. 


Internships are amazing! They provide real life experience to students and can be helpful to employers as well. Encouraging our students to do internships is invaluable! 


 When my sons were in college they had interships every summer. It was a great way for them to enhance job opportunities, increase social skills, utilizing problem solving skills, explore their careers , find job placement and help them integrate what they learned into a practical application. They understaood why they had to learn certain things. I think internships also help students become workers. They are not spending their summers on the beach. 

Internships provide a valuable component to an individuals career goals


Internship helps students learn by doing, exposing to situations and have a clear picture of situation and learn to reolve it.

Learn by doing and gain confidence


Interships help student grow professionally and gain confidence in their skills.

My nephew interned at a number of jobs while in college and then came out making more than me!!  I'm so proud of him.  He's a computer science engineer from Universitiy of Michigan 


Internships help students build their skills while really looking into what their career is all about. In addition, the organization doing the internship can really see the worthiness of such a program. 


Internships provide a student with the opportunity to take what they have learned in the confines of the classroom and put it to practical use. They are able to demonstrate their knowledge in the workforce, while still receiving support and encouragement; as long as the parties involved work to provide a "good fit" for student and intern site.  Having the internship experience is yet another way to prepare our students to be career ready, while working on the skills that they so often lack-communication/teamwork/social skills, etc.


I think that internship experience is key to a successful graduation. This gives students the insight into what their job may look like


Internships are a great way for kids to get hands on expirience in a feild. This is also a good way for a student to decide if they are interested in what they are doing before committing to a full time job.

Not all health care organizations offer internships. The ones that do, may provide more support for the new nurse.


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