Innovative Learning Technologies | Origin: ED204
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Tomorrow's Learning Environment Today --> Innovative Learning Technologies
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This module provided information on learning technologies. One of the methods used to assess student learning is the e-portfolio. Students may be required to create an e-portfolio and include project information and a reflection throughout their courses. This not only allows for the student to showcase their work, but it allows for the instructor to evaluate the student's understanding through their work and through their reflection of what they learned. I intend to incorporate the use of e-portfolios with my students and to better evaluate the current program curriculum based on gaps in the information and content.
Group learning is important in school for several reasons, as it provides students with opportunities to develop academically, socially, and emotionally.
Technological tools can diversify communication and knowledge spaces. This proliferation of spaces has the potential to foster collaborative environments for knowledge generation and dissemination.
Utilizing applications to help deliver better information to students. Example Babble for learning a new language
or ATI nursing curriculum online that is in line with theory and clinical class.
While technology-enabled learning offers advantages like cooperative and collaborative learning, it may not suit all students. Some students require additional motivation. Designing learning experiences that cater to different learning styles and individual goals within the course framework is crucial. This approach shifts the role of the instructor from merely providing instruction to guiding students in acquiring information for real-world application.
So much of this method involves elearning and online platforms. It seems like the classroom teacher is getting further and further pushed out.
Even though I teach a residential course, we have an online platform. This term, I intend to incorporate online discussion assignments to allow students to have more time to reflect on the depth of the material and practice digital literacy in communication.
Innovative learning allows instructor to reach students in large scale at the comfort of their home .During COVID, we moved to e-learning via ZOOM and other platforms of teaching and communication. We tried to replaced in-person clinical via simulation scenarios online but still we feel like lagging in skills. I think nursing cannot be replaced electronically, we need human touch and in person care .
Keeping new teaching stradagies to keep the students engaged and to excited about learning
Technology is changing everyday and it’s important for instructors to be aware.
Keep using new styles to stimulate the learning process.
Keep new teaching techniques for the students and keep the class interesting
Online learning tends to be self motivated, and older students tend to excel here.
I think the electronical protfolio is a very interesting concept. I'm excited to see it used in my classroom.
Learning through technologies is not beneficial for all students. Despite the advantages with cooperative/collaborative learning, somestudents need additional motivations. Consideration needs to always be given to designing learning that meets student learning styles as well as individual goals and objectives within the framework of the course. This moves the instructor away from traditionally providing instruction to guiding students into gaining the necessary information for real world application.
Technology has opened up students ability to learn from many different places and topic areas. It allows students to connect and collaborate from around the world and expand their knowledge through others experiences. It does require discipline and accountability to stay driven and motivated to complete in appropriate time.
Using innovated teaching strategies, policies and technology, student can become engaged, motivated and responsible for his learning.
E-learning has its place in education today. It provides flexability for students, but it does pose many challeneges. I believe that E-learing is a way to address all student learning styles by having students complete modules that include videos, discussion boards, projects, and assessments like tests. One challenge is internet speed for some of the programs we currently use.
E-learning is a new concept for me as a teacher. I have had several online courses throughout my education and some were great and others were not. I think that E-learning can be very good for students because we live in a technology-driven world. Most of my students are very computer savvy and love social media. One obstacle that I have face is keeping my students motivated and engaged in their assignments. I have also had issues with the students completing their work. This school year we have been online and using an online portal for our classes. I have tried to make the assignment engaging and fun with small, multiple attempts quizzes/tests.