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If you know the characteristics of the generation you are teaching, then you can understand them better. If you understand them better then you can find ways to teach them and help them understand the material.

The value of knowing the characteristics strategizes your teaching approach. If a Silent Generation student is identified, then presenting more lectures and assigning more reading assignments can be incorporated into the class.

this is so true & also knowing the different types of learners that are present in our classes will help us to diversify our teaching strategies.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

Educational training is definitely involved with matching investment with outcomes. No student wants to feel like they did not receive the instruction they invested time and/or money in receiving. Understanding learning styles keeps instructors on point for contributing to the overall success of the training facility's brand image and end results.

Today classrooms are comprised of individuals with different backgrounds. I find it valuable to understand my students to the fullest to aid in learning. The information received about the different generations is helpful to better understand their unique learning process.

By knowing the characteristics of Gen Y learners we can better understand their needs and learning styles and be more effective with this generation of students.

yes and beyond the different generations we have an increasing amount of cultural & ethnic diversity in our classes & we should seek to understand these differences as well.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

All of my students are of varying ages but most are older than me. I feel it's important for me to recognize all of their different learning styles to try and incorporate as many as I can into my teaching methods. I also feel it's important for them to try and learn new learning styles that might benefit them.

yes, & the more styles you try to reach & incorporate the better chance you will have of reaching all of your learners.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

Different generations of learners also contribute to the different learning styles. Since Gen-Y students are typically more adept of the latest technologies and the earlier generations may not be as adept, it's important for us to have a blended teaching style as well. Also, knowing the characteristics can help us to adapt better to the students that we are dealing with. We would expect certain behaviors from older generations and be aware of the issues that may be presented by the younger generations. Flexibility is key when dealing with different generations of learners.

The most memorable point in this chapter was that older generations view constant texting and cell phone use as disrespectful or shows the student is not paying attention. It then says that Gen Ys are skilled at multitasking.

What about all those recent studies that show that humans are in fact not good at all at multitasking?

this is a good question & I think one that needs clarifying. The research tells us that when we multitask, we don't really give our full attention to any of the tasks we are working on. However, Gen Yers are comfortable multitasking, meaning they can do it without a second thought. They are not necessarily being productive, but they are very used to having many stimuli at once. Hopefully that clarifies a little.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

Most of my students are Gen Y, but some come from different generations, like myself. It is important to know the characteristics of the different learners so the Instructor can properly prepare for the learning experience.

Although individuals within specific generations have an equal chance of being any type of personality, the shared, "Mass Experiences," of a Generation can cause an outlook about specific, related events, to have a common theme. Although the individual perception is different it is possible to see how or what that perception stems from due to the student's generation.

yes & the different learning styles are present in all generations, but certain generational cohorts are accustomed to learning in certain ways & this is where we can show our adaptability.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

I think it is important to know different learning styles so you can try to engage more people within the class. For me, I started out as a trainer, training adults, and I was fortunate enough to receive numerous trainings on how to engage the various types of learners. I enjoy trying to incorporate various techniques into the classroom (group activities, mock trials, role plays, and lectures and written assignments) and find the students respond better (all generations) when presented with various options on how to learn.

This helps to improve your connection to the student and in turn ignite learning.

Knowing these characteristics is going to make you a better instructor. I, myself am of Gen Y and never knew of ways to reach the older generations. It is so useful to understand more about the characteristics of these individuals to be able to better educate them.

Learning all of the characteristics that make each Generation unique is very helpful to an instructor because it helps in planning the lessons and the flow of the day. I truly believe that it is important to set up my lessons to try to fit the needs of every generation. I meticulously plan my lessons to fit each student’s learning style. Both of these tools are very valuable in assuring a successful learning environment.

glad the information was useful & I do think it's important that we all strive to understand the differences around us.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

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