Michelle Dallago

Michelle Dallago

About me


Excellent idea!



I just finished ED 117.  It took me along time to get through all the information because there was so much.    I feel the course is extremely valuable.  It was so informative and I remained highly motivated throughout.  I feel strongly the final assessment is not a true measurement of the knoweldge and understanding I have obtained. The questions were written in a way that give room to too much interpretation and overthought.  I over think everything and change my mind... trying to figure out what answer would be best.  When the questions say check all that apply it… >>>

I enjoyed the course.  Manageing adults at night is somewhat different for me than managing young students in the day.  I find the questions on the assessments are very thought provoking and challenging.

This training was complimentary to my philosphy that we should always strive to nurtute intrisic motivation for the long term.

I just completed ED110 Stress Management.  i found the material valuable.  We often know what to do and what we need to relieve stress,however,actually following through with the steps to relieve our stress could be a different story.  This course helped to remind me to stay conscious about keeping my stress level down!

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