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It has become an integral part of the teachers day to day requiremtns that they be aware of what is going on in the classroom environment to understand the characteristics of each tyoe of learner so that we the instructors can adjust our teachng methodologies to encompass all of the diverse learning styles that may be present in the same classroom. Also, it is very important to identify how we the instructors prefer to be taught so that we can be more tolerant and understanding of the students demand or need to be taught in a way that they can relate to rather than how we the instructor relates to what is being taught.

I also believe it is improtant to understand the Gen Y learner. It is hard to not get frusterated when you think they are not paying attention to you but they really are. It sort of seems disrespectful to me but it is just different and that takes some learning on the educators part.

I agree that we need to work to understand this generation & help them in the best way possible.

Dr. Ryan Meers

The more we understand one another, the more we can adapt to our fullest potential.

this is so true & we need to make an effort to understand the various generations & personalities we work with.

Dr. Ryan Meers

It is important to understand that genY youg people are differant than us boomers. Unfortunatly teaching with a prepackaged cirriculum does not give me the ability to alter it.

It helps us learn and understand how different people learn with different teaching styles

that is definitely a challenge. Is there any way you can even alter teaching approaches just a little?

Dr. Ryan Meers

As with anything else in the World of evolution the different generations of people are adapting/adjusting to the environment around them, so as do the instructors need to follow suit and make changes to their instructional methods allowing for a smooth learning process.

So you can set yourself up for the expected and future results of the generation.

it is important to recognize the different generation within a group and to know how to address them as a whole and as an individual entity. Although, there are geenerations, not all students fall within a specific category; there are students that behave differently each day and/or have multiple traits from different generations.

Knowing the differenct characteristics of different generations helps prepare the best way to present information to a class. for instance if Im teaching a class with only Gen Y, I know they do not want isolated lecture
based information: they value interaction,
networking, active participation and staying
connected – anytime, anyplace, and I would plan my class accordingly

you are right about this & we do need to be careful about stereotyping by generation as well as other factors.

Dr. Ryan Meers

yes, this really is an example of good audience analysis & adapting to what we find.

Dr. Ryan Meers

I have found that when they pick their own groups, they will mix groups up themselves. A lot more often that not, I do not have to move students around in the groups.

I too have found this to be true. Usually I just have to encourage them to be diverse in their groups & they do.

Dr. Ryan Meers

The value of recognizing and comprehending generational differences is a matter of effective or non-influencial instruction. Recently, I completed my doctoral work and one main section of my dissertation discusses the different generations of learners. Learning about the topic has been an eye-opener for me. For example, at one point I felt disrespected by Generation X and Y students who kept using their cell phones during class. After learning about the importance of technology for these students, I decided, "Why fight city hall?" and began incorporating cell phone research during group work. Students loved it and the "illegal" cell phone use during non-group time was actually eliminated. I am now at the final stage of my doctoral journey and I am seriously thinking about doing additional research regarding generational learners in the classroom. I look forward to learning more.

I feel it is good to use a variety of instructional methods in the classroom. You never know how every person in the room learns best. I mix it up.

Mainly because it's entirely possible as some levels of teaching that as many as 3 of the 4 generations could be represented in one classroom. Without knowing the characteristics of each, one would undoubltedly fall short with interaction.

I am older than almost all of my students so I try hard to use a multi media approach this includes power point presentations , writting on the white board explaining in detail and asking pointed questions to students and demostrations

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