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Teaching Professional Skill | Origin: ED205

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Enhancing Students' Professional Skills --> Teaching Professional Skill

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Critical thinking can be enhanced through encouragement in projects, teamwork and questions. I can gear these in the discussions and encourage analytic responses.


This is about the tendency of teaching critical thinking to the students.

Critical thinking is very important for the students to have, some have it more naturally or have learned by example at home, but in any case it can be taugh and should be.

Critical thinking is a necesity in today's world.

Critical thinking are higly desire by empoyers. We need to prepare students how to develop a crtical thinking. Numerous studies reflect the imporatnce of the critcial thinking in the workplace. Effective critical thinkers have a few specific traits that help guide them in everyday life. 

Excellent thoughts on critical thinking...


This topic is so important in today's world, no matter what environment or situation you are in. It is so important to use the tools we all have. we have to self managed ourselves in prioritizing our tasks by having integrity in the decisions that look at the short and long term goals  that enables others to learn from us and not be permently dependent on one person.


Critical thinking is very important for students to learn to become a better employee in the working world. I'm going to work on more group discussions and projects for my students to enhance this thinking process.



I find that students respond well to creating problem solving formulas that are applied in building (construction) calculations when they become the identifers of the specific problem, come up with all the "facts" that they will need to know to solve the problem and then attempt and refine the steps involved along with the math operations needed to arrive at the answer. Once they take ownership of the step by step procedure they as a group have developed, applying it out in the shop and seeing it work for them is the true reward.

Taking time to teach students and being patient as they acquire and practice the skills is vital to encouraging their growth.  This is also good to remember when growing staff in hopsital or such settings - as newer nurses - this is a process in the works.


Critical thinking is a part of ones learning, Having patience and assessing each students learning style helps the teacher in developing different strategies to enhance the students cognitive ability to critical think. I've learned that students response better with critical thinking skills when there environment less threatening


Critical thinking can be a difficult concept to teach and to learn. To sone it comes more naturally, however, to most it is a life-long process. It is crucial as instructors to foster and encourage students to critically think. I learned that I need to allow more time for students to think before I jump in and answer, and to develop more activities that will promote discovery learning and creative techniques. In addition, it is important to foster self-directed learning and encourage self-mamagement such as time-keeping, prioritizing tasks, and developing personal integrity. 


Critical thinking can be hard and it is important to teach students how to ask good questions.  


Great Training



good info

One important way to develop critical thinking in students is to teach them how to ask good questions.

I foster critical thinking by encouraging my students to ask good questions provide opportunity for self directed learning lessons.


Creativity can greatly enhance the effectiveness of critical thinking. 


Soft skills are just as important as practical skills


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