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Good techniques, a frame of reference is easy to pull from in the class.
Philip Campbell

I perfectly agree with Abraham's statement ,and this exactly what I also do in my class,letting my students know that all the knowledge and skills I teach in class ,is not just "FYI" but exactly what they need to be able to perform in the chosen field ,in the real world.I think this is the best way to motivate our adult students in a post secondary school.

I find not always using textbook language when teaching is most effective, when you break things down to their level it's less intimidating and it encourages them to want to learn more.

Good idea. Smaller chunks is always easier to digest.
Philip Campbell

There are some really great monthly publications such as FAST COMPANY, which profile successful career professionals. I bring various articles from publications and pass them around the class. There are some amazing success stories which the students can relate to and be inspired by.

I beieve in edutainment in the classroom.

Students need to see the relevance and also experience stimulation in the classroom.

Practical examples, movie clips, practical applications. In the business curriculum we make the connection to starting their very own business.

All of these are valuable teaching tools that help students to better retain the information.
Philip Campbell

I find a great way to motivate students is to relate what they are learning to their future careers and aspirations. It goes back to the saying "What's in it for me?" By allowing students to see how the course or learning concepts can benefit them, they will be more engaged and receptive to learning. Further, allowing students to relate what they are learning to their personal and work experiences provides a means for other students to find additional ways to relate as well.

Showing them how they will benefit will help the students.
Philip Campbell

Thats right; its very important to let students know the relavance of complex subject matter to their success in the field in the future. It should be related to practical field work and how it may add to their skills to either pass a credentialing exam or learn an important procedure that may add value to their skills and make them more employable. I have found it very useful to relate didactic knowledge with its practical application. even the retention of the subject matter is more by doing do. It motivates students to work hard and achieve higher goals.

Hello Jo Ann,
I agree. Building a trust level is also an important factor in motivating students.

Allow students to research current articles and current events relating to the upcoming topic. Generally a couple of students in the class will find an article that "tugged" at them that will allow further discussion and sometimes a debate on a specific topic.

Great point. Keep up the good work.
Philip Campbell

Finding things for them to research that will peak their interests will help to motivate them to a successful assignment.
Philip Campbell

the more you get a student involved the more they will buy into what your trying to teach if the students have a connection to whats going on the more involved they will be and the more they will care

Engaging classes are the best classes.
Philip Campbell

I teach on line and in the classroom one day a week. To motivate students in the on-line environment, I have found it is important to let the student know you are aware of their efforts and make them feel that you are reaching out to them daily. I use many soft skills to do this. Some students require more than others.

Applying "real world" examples of the effects of positive interaction vs. negative interaction allows the student the opportunity to realize the importance of soft skills.

Using those examples and bringing them into the class will help with the students.
Philip Campbell

What I try and do as we are discussing topics in class is look for student reaction if they perk up as certian topics are discussed I try and get those students to expand on the subject from their own point of view. Then I try to get the students with the questioning looks to join in with their fellow students.

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