Kevin Quinn

Kevin QuinnCHEP

About me


As a lead instructor I read many student evaluations on both the instructor and class. There is one word that comes up consistently either positively or negatively. CARE, positively - the instructor took the time to know me and CARED about my education. Negatively- The instructor could CARE less if I succeeded or failed. Teaching is pretty simple if you stop and think about it.

As educators we must never lose sight that students will always require the human touch element of education.

Discussion Comment


Agreed, The powerpoint should only be used to enhance the lecture and never as a crutch.

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As the Department Chair I can atribute 95% of all classroom issues that make it to my office to the lack of clear expectations of the first day. When instructors take the time to clearly define expectations rarely is there an issue down the line. I am a huge beliver in getting the first day right.

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