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Hi C.C.
You do come across some stubborn students at times. I have seen where another student can get his or her peers to listen. We have to continue to try different things to determine what works best. Continue your pairing.

Hi Peter,
I've encountered some of these students myself. I understand the challenges that come with these type students. As educators, we must work hard to try to bring them out of their shells. Keep trying!

I have found that each student has their own learning style. Having different methods of engaugement with the class helps to pull the class in and also helps with finding the one student that is having challenges in the class or with the subject.

Hi Andrew,
You are absolutely correct! Each student does have their own learning style, therefore, it is important to be able to reach the different type of learners, such auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.

Sometimes I do look back and reflect. Then I try to have a talk with that student and try to make him see the light. Try to make him see what is out there and re-establish his goals in life. Then reaproach the subject at a different angle. To see if he sees a subject in a different manner.

Keeping them awake in the morning session is a challeng all by itself. Ask them if they are getting enough sleep and to get them envolved by asking them question about the subject matter. I have found that to be the best way to try to keep them awake. Also i have found that walking around the room helps me the most.

Hi Audie,
Early classes can be very challenging. As the instructor you must enter the room at a very high energy level and also continue to do what you are doing.

Hi Ricky,
As educators, we must reflect. It is amazing how much I have changed things for the better based on my reflections. If we can get the student to see the big picture, the student will win every time. Continue to reflect, it can make things better.

sudents that know everything are the most challenging. sometimes the best way to deal with them that i have found is to put theem on the spot & have them try to explain the proper operation of something, not to make fun of them but to show there are other ways odoing things

Hi Ernest,
Isn't that the truth--who knows it all? You really have to break these students down firmly, yet professionally so that they become humble.

What student traits/actions do you personally find most challenging? What do you do to help those students to be less of a challenge and become successful?
Student traits I find most challenging is any that do not take ownership in the choices that they make. To help in this area I plan the discussion prior and when we sit down I have a series of questions that will hopefully lead the student into thinking about their responses. I also insert truth/reality where necessary to keep them moving forward.

Hello Misty,
I personally find lazy, center stage, talkative, and know-it-all student to be most challenging. I am a firm instructor, and I have a firm, professional conversation with each student. The conversation normally gets the student on track. I always end the conversation on a positive note.

When students lose confidence in themselves, that becomes a challenge as an instructor. Reminding them of their goals and using positive reinforcement has been successful for me. Encouraing the student that there is a light at the end of tunnel and they have what it takes to be successful and not to give up.

Hello Dave,
We MUST be our students biggest cheerleader and keep them "pumped."

Thwe inattentive student seems to give me the most challenge. Their actions may be indicative of simple boredom, however it is usually interpreted as disrepect and indicates they already know the material. I usually have to tell myself they are not reacting to me personally. I then work hard to get them involved in their learning. I ask them questions and have them relate the material to their own experience. This helps get them involved and over the boredom.

Hi Tom,
In the education arena do not take anything personally. You must have thick skin.

The trait that I find most challenging is a bad attitude. At first, I leave the students alone in case they are having a bad day. Then, if the attitude continues, I reach out to them to let them know that I am interested in their progress and would like to offer any assitance for their success in my class.

Hi Judy,
What a challenge, a student with a bad attitude. You really must handle this type of student with a lot of tact, and you need to be as careful as possible. Generally, the student does open up in a private setting. Sometimes there are some serious outside issues with the student that cause the student to act out.

In the last 21 years I feel I have met the piper when it comes to this.

Picking one or so challenging student is hard but indifferance is the one thing that I find hard to deal with.

In my early days I would ignore the student but that never got to the problem and resolved it. Today I challenge the student with extra tasks or reserch get them involved in the why of the subject as well as the how. In most cases I find they will be confident with one or the other but seldom both. Once they relize there is somthing to add to their knowledge base they seem to become engaged

Hi Chuck,
Experience is the best teacher. I have twenty years of experience in teaching, and I too do things totally different than I used to in my early days. You generally learn the trick of the trade quickly.

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