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Providing opportunities for application of taught concepts will truely support and Enhancing Student Retention.

The instructor will make sure that he build positive rapport with all his/her students. He/she will make sure that the names are learnt, something about their background, as well as their ages if possible. The ages can be learned through genuinely sharing through the breaking ice moment on the first day of class. What I usually do on the first day is to have an ICE BREAKER activity: I would have the student give their names, age and what town they are from and one FUN FACT about themselves. Through this activity I get some interaction going on; and this… >>>

The instructor who knows his students' in terms of their learning styles, background and their names give a leading edge in knowing just how to keep them motivated.By allowing the students' to share their experiences and making the connections to the subject matter; will spike retention significantly and will bring students' to the awareness of the relevancy and significance of the subject matter.
The instructor who is fair and caring, by reaching to students to encourage and motivate is fully aware that student retention is a factor in determining success of a course.
As an instructor, you must have a full awareness of the types of learners in your classroom settings.You have to consider their ages, backgrounds, prior knowledge of the subject matter and anything else that would assist the instructor in determining how best to provide extrinsic help and support for the students.
The instructor must be alert to the learning styles of the learners in his/her classroom. The instructor must be aware when to make adjustment to the instructional strategy used at hand to recognize if the students are getting the point or not. Lead In and Feedback questions can be used to ascertain the responses from the students and make a determination to either re-emphasize key points, or to re-teach that portion of the lesson or just review and fill in as appropriate.
The instructor must provide clear guidelines as to the course requirements in terms of content, classroom evaluation, lab evaluations and all required objectives to be accomplished.
Planning and preparation are critical to instructional delivery. The instructor must make sure that the appropriate allotted time is prescribed, so that good reflection can be done on the material before delivery to the class.
An instructor must be fully aware that he is in charge of is professional development, and that he would need to have a professional plan to guide him/her. The professional development plan would guide the instructor in taking courses, enroll in seminars and to do research in keeping with the pace of his/her field of expertise.
I recognize that for me to deal with effectively; a stress list is essential, so I can prioritize and decided which stressor to eliminate or reduce or to keep. The stress list serves as a guide in helping me to tackle each stressor appropriately.

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