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I would say my approach is more democratic. I like hearing other point of views and will always take a different view into consideration. Coming from a sociology background, I knew there were different types of leadership as there are different types of people out there. 

I have learned about various leadership styles and when a particular style may be more beneficial or risky. This lesson has shed more light on situational leadership and how leaders need to adapt their styles to the situation and their followers. 

I've realized that due to the enviroment of my previous institution, I have experienced a lot of coercive leadership that went extreme and lead to all the risks listed. However, I have more of an Authortative style which did help lead my team, but it also explains why I didn't feel as effective with working with other leaders.

Also, after watching The Principal Story, I really did not like the approach or attitude of the more seasoned principle, though I would love to emulate that of the newer principal. One would see a problem or misbehavior and simply approach it with "no, you can't do that, no matter what. Say sorry" and then be done with it and was also putting pressure on students to work on aspects like attendance which is not typically in the students control. However, the newer principal had a team to help walk through the "why" of the problem, other circumstances that could be leading to it and ways they or the principal could make the environment more effective.

Over the past 12 years, and in the 8 years that I hold leadership positions and responsibilities, I have learned nothing is more powerful in leading that creating hope. It is  hope that keeps teams together, and push them to continue towards the shared goal. Of course, hope should be parallel with concrete actions. A leader must be visible and practically act the hope he or she tries to create. 

I am amazed to see how many different types of leadership exist and how can affect our overall results.

How leadership can change the way that we see all around us. The different types of leadership and how we must adapt 

I'm still learning what type of leader I am. This course has made me reflect on my leadership style

I find it hard to categorize my leadership style. Based on what is needed, I use aspects of each of the leadership styles presented. 

The various types of leadership are interesting to me because I always felt leadership was based on personal style. But to truly be effective the leadership must be based on the given situation.

I can certainly agree with the idea being afraid to fail m team or my students in my role. But I will also say my fear of failure is a strength because I care about not only my own success but theirs as individuals as well. I have never been one to volunteer to be team leader, but I also understand that sometimes you have to do what is necessary even if it pulls you out of your introvert comfort zone.

As a leader, I treat my team they way I want to be treated - professionalism, respect, integrity, caring, and engagement. I seek to inspire, motivate and challenge the team to common goals and purposes. 

In this lesson I learned that we are not limited to one leadership style. 

It is amazing to realize the various leadership types and my own approach

I thought that I knew my leadership style but have come to learn that those styles can change. 

I am familiar with leadership as a study and have previously identified my leadership style as a combination of Visionary, Coaching and Democratic. Although different 'styles' are utilized situationally they are all utilized to compel, motivate, visualize, self-empower others. 

I think there is a fluidity between these styles. Maybe a dominate style but I flow between based on the team and their needs at this time.

I was particularly interested in the various leadership styles. I want to be a good leader and not one that my employees do not like or do not respect, from experience I am learning what works and does not work for others, but also understand that I cannot make EVERYONE happy. I have to stay balanced, consistent and fair. I look forward to learning more and always looking at how to improve.

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