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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

LMS Opinions

I'd like to hear what is the LMS you are using and your overall opinion of what works and/or what doesn't

Group Projects

In our LMS, we have a section called Collaboration. In the section, I have the students work on their group assignments. One person or the entire group can work on the assignment. The students can work on the assignments from anywhere. When they are finished, they can download the Google Docs into a Word Document and upload their assignment individually for grading. 

Is anyone doing something similiar?

Chats and Online Conferences

Using these modes do you give quizzes or essays?

Canvas LMS

We are using the above LMS. I have been using it for about 30 weeks. Does anyone have any ideas on using any of the features primarily Collaboartion, Conferencing, and Shat.

Course Design

In the online environment, my courses are already designed. However, I review the links and materials to ensure they are still relevant, and that links still work. I am able to make suggestions to the course developers regarding new information to replace outdated materials etc. I find when materials are relevant and timely and correlate with what students are working to learn for real world development, they get more excited and are more participatory, as opposed to reading materials that are outdated, or do not relate to or show relevance to what they will be doing in their career. Therefore, course designers should perhaps reach out to instructors for feedback about a course while it is be designed. It should be a team effort in other words. Thoughts?

No Questions

No additional questions

Dental Cements

What are the pros and cons of using Zinc Phospate Cement?

Weekly Subject Matter

Highlight the main subject matter in this weeks discussions

Scaffolding Tools

Scaffolding tools have always been of great interest to me and I try to use them throughout my courses.  If I can add tools to make the learning easier and assist the student in any way possible I will do it.  I enjoy seeing how other instructors incorporate scaffolding tools in their course.  The design of the course should also be taken into consideration when you are adding scaffolding tools. 

Media options

This section emphasizes the importance of using media in creating modules.  We are limited to media aids that can be downloaded from the web for free (ie no budget for purchasing apps).  What are you using, and is it free or fee based?


Many instructors are afraid of using technology for instruction.  I find that students are more responsive when you use technology such as text messages and blogs.  What are you finding in your instructions?

Bridging cultural

I have taught students from many different cultures.  To truly engage students, we must reach out to them in ways that are culturally responsive, respectful and appropriate. How do you achieve this connection to them as an online instructor? Ti Lynn

Students and their Comfort Level with Technology

I suppose my greatest concern with hybrid learning is the fact that not all people who are considering enrolling in college are technology savvy. I fear that potential students may fail to enroll themselves in a college with a hybrid environment or current students may drop out of school early in the term due to fear of technology. Does anyone have any tips and/or suggestions for helping students feel more comfortable learning with the integration of technology?


I have engaged in online courses and the feedback I missed most was the benefit of an immediate verbal feedback or a gesture in the form of a nod or smile. E-learning environment is different as the course stated "makes feedback particularly crucial." Most importantaly watch how "Words" are expressed in the feedback.  


I am trying to get my students to study. Find it hard to believe they would cheat on an open book test.

Necessary Conditions

Discussion: The Pros and Cons of Life-Changing Ideas

Discussion: The Pros and Cons of Life-Changing Ideas


Changing the world with new ideas doesn’t always bring positive outcomes, such as the addition of value to a product line, a business, or a society. When faced with innovative ideas, marketers must take into account both the potential positive and negative effects of putting those ideas into practice.


To prepare for this Discussion, review articles about self-driving cars such as those that are being developed by Google. Consider the positive and negative implications of introducing these vehicles into the market, focusing specifically on the possible social and economic impacts. 

Post an evaluation of self-driving cars from a design perspective. Your evaluation should include the following:

  • A description of the positive and negative social and economic impacts of self-driving cars.
  • An analysis of the feasibility of introducing self-driving cars in the United States and in India, given the impacts you have identified. In other words, do the benefits of the product justify the means/impacts? Explain why or why not.

Are Five week classes long enough for students to get the basics?

Coming from a traditional school, I find it hard to teach as many of the basics students need. Maybe they do not need as much from one course. I teach Environmental Science and most of the time I skip the formulas, math and chemistry, just to get in the major concepts. For example, one week is global warming. Students poat to the discussion question and respond to two other students. This leaves out the hydrological cycle, nitrogen cycle, phosphorus cycle, chemical reactions, hazardous waste, not to mention the biological equations.

I seem to be teaching enough for them to be able to intelligently look for topics online. How do you get the basics in with such a short class?

Student Computer Compatiblity

I am interesting in learnng how much time other instructors spend dealing with student computer crashes and other system compatiblity issues.

Far too often I will get an e-mail from a student who is taking an online exam and that student will claim that the exam crashed.

It forces me to reset the exam often after a student has seen most of the questions.

How do others handle such situations?


Learning by teaching

I love the concept of learning by teaching. I teach composition and literature courses, and I discovered in my first semester of teaching composition that I learned more about writing in that process of teaching my own courses than I ever did in taking composition courses myself. This is why I have tried, in both on-ground and online courses, to make collaboration and peer review an essential and frequent tool for learning. When students are responsible, at least in part, for another's success, as well as their own, they seem to invest more and to internalize and actualize course content more readily. I would love to "hear" everyone's thoughts on learning by teaching!

Thank you!



Beth Miller