Melissa Wingard

Melissa Wingard

About me


I suppose my greatest concern with hybrid learning is the fact that not all people who are considering enrolling in college are technology savvy. I fear that potential students may fail to enroll themselves in a college with a hybrid environment or current students may drop out of school early in the term due to fear of technology. Does anyone have any tips and/or suggestions for helping students feel more comfortable learning with the integration of technology?

It is amazing to me how the subconscious is always hard at work and how even when we are not focusing on the problem we want to solve, the subconscious can come up with solutions to that problem. I wonder if this is the ultimate cause of why students blank out when they take tests. Is it because they are thinking too hard, and the subconscious doesn't really want it to? Does the subconscious work more productively when in the relaxed state?
Each term, I have my students take a learning style assessment, in which they determine if they are auditory, visual, or kinesthetic learners. I was wondering if there has ever been any research or findings as to whether a person's intelligence types (top three) is correlated to their preferred learning styles?
I am wondering if certainly personality types are more prone to being effective critical thinkers from the start. While I believe that everyone has the potential to develop these skills, my question is if there is an known correlation between a person's personality type and ability to think well critically?
I may be teaching a class on critical thinking at some point, and I was just wondering if anyone had any "fun" exercises that I could incorporate into that class. While a major component of that class will be to teach the class about critical thinking, it is very important to have the students involved in the application of what they have learned. Any ideas that you may have are greatly appreciated!

@ssanders000 :This is very true. It's also about keeping their attention on the subject matter. Students cannot learn if they are not paying attention. As a result, it's important to keep them interested and engaged.

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