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There is so much information readily accessible via the internet that these new students do not want to be bogged down with irrelevant information. My question is this: What does one do with a curriculum that is full of irrelevant information? The information must be taught, however, because it is included on the National Board.

Not Self Identifying

I have a student that was recently withdrawn for SAP. There are obvious disabilities with this person, but never clearly identified them with anyone. He believes taking the same class over and over was because the next class was "full", and that's why he was repeating the class for now a 3rd/4th attempt. He also claims he was an Executive Chef, but if he can't get past Intro to Culinary Arts II, it leads me to only scratch my head. How can someone assist him (or anyone) in a manor where it's obvious, but they're not self identifying, and yet their progress keep slipping downhill?

Success for a student in their field after graduation

My concern as an Instructor is that "Will this student be able to perform duties needed in their chosen field after graduation?" I believe that certain accomadations can be made for students with learning disabilities, however if a student is doing par work with extra help, am I as an instructor getting him ready for a career or helping him pass the class. The work may get completed but perhaps not good enough for the real world. Are we misleading some students with disabilities?

Cause I said so!

I have noticed one huge trend among these youths; why?? Well, the standard answer was "because I said so!" WELL, that just explains everything...I am glad YOU said so!! If we just take the time to answer a closed ended question perhaps with a no, then say "and let me explain why I said no." This is just what Gen Yrs want. Give a reason for a descision, a task, a reading assignment...give them a relevant reason to do what you have asked them to do. This approach works so much better, draws a conclusion and everyone walks away happy and informed. Works for me!


I happen to have a student that is in a wheelchair, and this goes without saying, but he is slower than the rest of the class. When the rest of the students offer him help, he always refuses it, sometimes to the point where he becomes angry. Then when I offer him help, he almost seems to accept it because I am the instructor and then almost shuts down, as if feeling broken or not good enough. I really don't know how to approach him. -Gabriel Alvarez

Deaf Student in a Public Speaking class

A few terms ago I had an strange situation when dealing with a couple of disabled students. I've dealt with physically and learning disabled students before, with greater or lesser success, but that term I was assigned a deaf girl in my COM class that had a Master Course Outline which pegged 60% of the grade to speeches. I immediately thought of all kinds of issues, and went to my education director to get an okay on what I wanted to do to modify the class to prevent problems. I was instructed to modify as little as possible in regards to dealing with her, and essentially to not anticipate problems that weren't yet present. So I ended up talking with her and explaining that I needed her to arrange to have the same interpreter that she practiced her speeches with on the days that she gave her speeches. This meant she needed to be allocated a couple more hours a week to practice with her interpreter so that she and the interpreter were in sync and hitting the time requirements. This was almost the opposite of another student that I had the same term. A student continually got F's on his written work and speeches, essentially giving me poor work that had nothing to do with what was asked of him. Eventually (after the point of no return, grades-wise) I went to student services and asked them if the student had been tested for dyslexia or some other learning disability. His adviser said "Wait, let me get this straight, he didn't bring you an ADA sheet when he started the class?" and then put his head on his desk and make a sad noise. We had a sit down with the student and he agreed that when he re-took the class he would actually show me his documentation so that I could explain his assignments to him and check in with his tutors to see how he was doing. Am I the only one who gets disabled students who just throw them for a loop? I know they're students and individuals first and only afterward are disabled individuals, but when I layer that second category on I end up feeling like I have no hold on what's going on.

gen y and tech

I can't understand why the phones are part of everyday life. Everywhere I go signs tell put phone away or turn off for service. I think it makes us forget how to think. Just pull out the old phone and get an instant answer.

leaning prefences

It is important to realize the method of learning of your own generation may be different than the other generations represented in your classroom. we need to adjust to all learners.

gen y learners

My biggest concern is with the critical thinking and decision making abilities that seem to be lacking. They need to be able to think on there own feet .

LinkedIn...and beyond

I have tried to get Gen Y students to understand the importance of Linkedln and the need to network with others. Many are so focused on social networking web sites (Facebook) that they don't take the time to learn more about this. Also, I sense that this generation is accustomed to interacting with others via computer, and they need to get out from the machine and interact personally!

gen y

I am in total agreement. Reading directions is a skill that needs to be taught in every aspect of automotive technology.It seems the Gen Y student wants the easy way out. They need an instant answer. Pull out there phone and google it is easier.


I would like to see learning excersizes on there cellphones.

Linked In

I'm so glad you listed this as a way for students to connect. I have found it is a great resource as many of my students need to network out for their future career. It is also very helpful with using the groups to let them have more insight into the profession.

adapting to different learning styles

Learning how to adjust to each class is an ongoing process.


I have found that people born in the early years of this generation may tend to be more conservative than those born later J. E. Wright

Reading Disability

I think with all physical disability, we have learned how to help student to be successful. In my classes i have students out of high school who can not read or understand what they just read. A physical disablity is something we can see, most of the time we can see a disorder, but the student that cannot read and trys to hide this can cause real problems for both student and Instructor. Sometime, I feel, we, instructor, see this disability as something else.

Peer learning

Some times in teaching I have used a fellow student who has mastered a task and assigned them to a fellow student to do a task analysis and to give the student struggling with the task some feedback and create a non-judgemental atmosphere in which to experiment and make mistakes on the way to learning to master the task at hand. S.Golightly

Educating the educator for use of technology in the classroom

Students have built in "crap detectors" according to a book "Teaching is a Subversive Activity" and they know if you know what you are presenting is true or not because they can easily do a fact check, and they are so familiar with new technology now days that they know whether or not the teacher knows "their stuff" or not or utilizes technology themselves. So, sincerity and honesty is essential for the teacher. One can frequently learn from one's students. Resources should be invested in teachers to teach them or give them opportunity to learn just how they might include technology into the classroom and time to develop their courses to respond to technological changes. Technology is moving so rapidly that everyone is hard pressed to keep up with the latest developments. S. Golightly


you've added things that I had no idea was a disability. thanks so much for putting this course together. I really do not have any questions at this time. I have gotten alot more understanding just by taking the course. This made me see things in other light and be more flexable. thank you again

Socratic Method

The socratic method is completely different than how generation yers search and look up information on the web or elsewhere. With this method the instructor and student ask questions back and forth to try to come to a better understanding of a topic. It utilizes critical thinking and sometimes leads in an unexpected direction. You also must show patience and listen which can be challenging for generations yers.