Sharon Golightly

Sharon Golightly

Location: california

About me


helping student be successful and reach their career goal.


leadership, staff development, influencing my peers


Adult learners I have found enjoy working in small groups on projects in and outside of class. They bring rich experiences that they can share with other students. The projects must have a framework and there must be a opportunity to share of information with others in the class. The engagement of all the students in active learning is essential to their growth and education. The most important element that come from this kind of strategy is the critical skill development of working well with others as they will have to do in the working world and that is what… >>>

Our school has given a student accomodation due to the amount of stress the student is under in her personal life outside of her school life. She is taking medication for the stress and without the medication the student cannot perform. She brought in a Doctor's note and we have been asked to give the student more time to accomplish her clinical tasks and one-on-one time with an instructor. How prescriptive can the health care specialist be in regard to identifying the disorder so we can structure the accomodations?

Frequently we have students working on projects together and good soft skills are needed to motivate these students by helping them to get over their differences and getting them moving toward a common goal accomplishment.  I think the term used nowdays is "Jelling" for getting disparate groups to work together.


Another venue is to do job shadowing or internships, so they know what the current expectations are of the position.  Perhaps some more time spent on soft skills, such as responding to and accepting feedback from a fellow worker or supervisor.  It is not that they cannot perform the job, but the people skills that are lacking.  This might be a factor when our students have grown up interacting with technology and not face-to-face interactions out in society. S.Golightly

Discussion Comment
Some times in teaching I have used a fellow student who has mastered a task and assigned them to a fellow student to do a task analysis and to give the student struggling with the task some feedback and create a non-judgemental atmosphere in which to experiment and make mistakes on the way to learning to master the task at hand. S.Golightly

Students have built in "crap detectors" according to a book "Teaching is a Subversive Activity" and they know if you know what you are presenting is true or not because they can easily do a fact check, and they are so familiar with new technology now days that they know whether or not the teacher knows "their stuff" or not or utilizes technology themselves. So, sincerity and honesty is essential for the teacher. One can frequently learn from one's students. Resources should be invested in teachers to teach them or give them opportunity to learn just how they might include… >>>

My goal is to help my instructors become better teachers in the classroom and the clinic.

How to deal the this situation when it comes up? I am dealing with it currently, so I called the students into my office individually to listen to the explination of the situation and talked to the instructor of the course and looked at the quiz outcomes of both students who were accused and compared answers. Then discussed findings with students and teacher and also the accuser. I discussed the appearance and behavior that is expected during tests and quizzes and to avoid any appearance of possible cheating behavior.

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