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Generational Students

Reflecting upon our student population - some students gravitate to their own generation and others gravitate to fellow students regardless of their ages who can work in a team atmosphere in order to achieve an objective (grades). I believe that this second group is mature in their approach to education and working in the real world. What if your immediate supervisor is from another generation - does that mean you can't interact professionally with this person? Hopefully this wouldn't be the case, but I'm sure that there are many "Gen X" or "Gen Y" managers who supervise "Boomers".

Working with different generations

I personally am a "Boomer", but find that I can relate and work well with other generations. Perhaps I am just young at heart! But all of us have had experiences whether it is with students or staff where generations clash! This course has provided me with concrete reasons and explanations why this occurs and the information has been very helpful in understanding other generations. I intend to continue to be the "fun" grandmother to my six-year old grandson! By the way, who names the generations? I wonder what other designations they have in store for us!

Physical abilities

I have had students in radio broadcasting with some paralysis which makes it difficult for them to use the equipment. Is there anyone else who has had the same or similiar situation and how did you handle it?

Learning Style

It's important for an instructor or advisor to know the different type of learning styles of the generational cohorts to provide personalized assisstance or instructions to students.

Generation Y

As a child of Generation Y I identified with the information about my generation. The idea that our world shuts down when we're without cell phone or internet solidifies the thought that our generation needs to be constantly connected because that's how we live our lives daily.

Technology Across The Gentrations

I have had many generations represented in several of my classes. Some were very hesitant to use information technology while others embrace it. Knowing the make up of generational learners has allowed me to have alternate paths for those learners who just do not thrive when using technology. I allow them to use their own creativity at times to come up with assigned tasks. I would be interested to see any ways this is getting done.


Generation Y seems to be the easiest to understand. The Veterans and Generation X is next. I need to learn the Babyboomers.


Many adult learners have disabilities that have an impact on their education. Also, we are different type of learners. Good points covered in the material.

Designing an Activity

I like the idea of designing an activity. It keeps the student engaged and interested, especially if you can involve their peers.

Technology and Respect

It is a major challenge to get students off their cell phones when giving a lecture or presentation. I think all presentations should be interactive to get them up and moving around. It may help w/ keeping them off of social media for a few hours.

All generations in the classroom

Do you believe it's a good idea to have people of all 4 generations in the same classroom or does it add confusion?

Gen X vs. Gen Y

I see pretty great differences between Gen X vs. Gen Y. The Gen Y person seems to be more entitled and not as hard working as Gen X. Gen X'ers seem to be doers. There is most certainly a difference in the classroom environment. I've seen this in almost every class cohort.

Generation Y make other generations look not too smart

These guys are so quick in operating the gadgets, that they can make us look embarrassed.

Can an individual represent characteristiscs of multiple generations?

I think we are a composit of exposures to different generational cohorts and we can pick and choose characteristics that may or may not apply to our strategies toward life. Any one agree?

deaf students in public class.

I have had a student who was hard of hearing, and had interpreters in class helping him. I treated him like every other student i had in class and didnt cut any corners with him. When he didnt understand me i had help but for the most part as long as i took it slow when i explained stuff to him on a one on one situation. After my class was over he thanked me for treating him the same as everyone else but helping him when needed

Gen Y as Consumers

I found that the statement about Generation Y not being wise consumers to be intersting. Their lack of critical thinking skills and desire for certainty and security could lead to unwise decisions regarding purchases and finances. An item that is advertises those attributes could lead to impulse consuming.


I think embracing technolgy and introducing new technology to students is the only way to combat the potential negative factor of distraction. Personal devices with access to entertainment, news, social networks etc. will always pose a threat to a classroom setting if the information being presented in class is not presented in an equally captivating method.

Generational Characteristic vs. Disrespectful Behavior

One piece of information that stood out about Gen Y was their ability to multi-task. On numerous occasions I have commented about kids out to dinner with their parents and being glued to their phone or ipad etc. I definitely viewed this behavior as disrespectful and rude. It is interesting that it is merely a characteristic of their generation.

Comparing generations

I really enjoyed all of the information in module one. As a child born in 1980, I really identify with characteristics of Gen X and Gen Y. I was a latch key kid in a single parent home, however I feel the distrust of authority as a product of Gen Y events. My parents are baby boomers and my grandmother is a Veteran. I always heard about the different generational cohorts, but learning about the events and characteristics that shape the generations provide a great deal of insight into myself and people in my life. Thanks!

Turning disability into a positive

With the right support system, some disabilities can be turned to a more positive experience. An example is a recent deaf student that concentrated on many manual tasks that were of interest. With classroom presentation assistance from an interpreter, the skills discussed in the classroom were turned very positivly in the lab. There were no distractions from other personalities, no noise distraction and with the students ability to focus on the interrpeted information, no distraction from any other outside source. Thid concentration level translated into superior lab skills,evidenced by observing that other students had to ask a second time for direction and instruction, while the deaf student excelled in all manual activities. This also proved that the information in the classroom was correct and that hearing students were not able to concentrate as well because of outside interferrences.