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I have found that people born in the early years
of this generation may tend to be more conservative than those born later

J. E. Wright

I believe this may be true as well, because as we continue to progress and in the professional arena we are continuing to grow and exchange information, ideas and learn to adapt to our surroundings. over time most of us do change just as the times does, some faster and others a little bit slower.

I disagree that Boomers are more conservative. Maybe on fiscal problems, but I think that, on social issues, their views haven't changed since 1968.

I agree.
They seem to be more willing to listen and take direction.

Agree its that 5 or 6 year difference that makes a big difference. For example, in high school in 1966 there was already a group of guys who had been to SE Asia and back. The TET came 2 years before I got out of high school. That 5 or 6 years made a difference between those who really experience discrimination and those who came later when some of this had begun to moderate. These factors alone might tend to have an effect socially and politically.

Hard to generalize. I do suspect many are conservative in some areas (e.g. fiscally) and liberal in other areas (e.g. socially)? But this indeed makes the classroom discussions more vibrant and interesting. It is GREAT that not everyone thinks alike.

and when we can use this to the advantage of all learners its great, as they learn to appreciate views that are different from their own.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

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