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Educating the educator for use of technology in the classroom

Students have built in "crap detectors" according to a book "Teaching is a Subversive Activity" and they know if you know what you are presenting is true or not because they can easily do a fact check, and they are so familiar with new technology now days that they know whether or not the teacher knows "their stuff" or not or utilizes technology themselves. So, sincerity and honesty is essential for the teacher.

One can frequently learn from one's students. Resources should be invested in teachers to teach them or give them opportunity to learn just how they might include technology into the classroom and time to develop their courses to respond to technological changes. Technology is moving so rapidly that everyone is hard pressed to keep up with the latest developments. S. Golightly

It's very important to keep up with the technology that is used in the classroom. They could be cheating on exams and we would never know!

I agree with you that it is imperative that we be aware the technology & the various uses for it. While we may only have one student who tries to cheat, our credibility with the other "honest" students will be damaged if we are unaware of these things.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

I agree that students are very perceptive. The use of technology is something the teacher and the student need to get a handle on. Adaptability is key to success in the automotive field. And so the modern educator must must manage the use of technology as much as the entry level technician must manage the massive information base in the field. The modern technician need not know random bits of information, rather know how to access the information that they need at the time they need it. There are professional guidelines we can instill in the classroom. These are mostly the courteous and ethical use of smart phones. I have witnessed presentations where participants used their cell phones to text questions to the screen where the speaker could respond. This helped to engage the audience. Smart phones are here. We need an application to better use the technology that surrounds us. To stay on the cutting edge we must adapt.

this is an excellent point; the courteous & professional use of technology. There is a right way to use these tools & we need to teach this as well.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

Credibility is key in the classroom, and getting busted faking you know what you are doing is the kiss of death. I am very technically savy so I am comfortable embracing different technology, but when I talk to new instructors, I always tell them that if you are not sure how it works, test and practice prior to bringing it to the classroom.

great advice. I've seen too many young or inexperienced instructors think they have a technical problem when sometimes its because the cord isn't plugged in...not good for the credibility.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

Students are able to take photographs of exam and send them before exam is complete

I feel teaching the generation Y learners has
been a learning experience for me. Not only
have I developed new teaching methodologies to
accomodate this generation but I have also
become more proficient with the new Technologies.

J. E. Wright

If done wright you can lean alot from the students in this area. I always tell my students that i learn from them as much as they learn from me.

Great point, we need to teach the consepts and the use of technology for gaining needed information.

I could not agree more!! Many times I have also been the recipient of additional learning by listening to the students. This is another way to build credibility with students, simply listen to them.

yes, we need to learn to listen to these students,they love to have input & be part of the discussion.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

I have much to learn about technology but am eager to do so. When applying technology in my class I often need help even after practicing outside of class. I have one student that volunteers to help. Once he volunteers many other chime in. We get a laugh. I know my subject matter well so I don't feel uncomfortable asking my students for tech help when needed.

I tell my students that if they have information different from mine to politely point out what they know and we will find out who is correct. I know a lot but not everything and sometimes they have more recent information. Also I use a smart board that allows me to draw or write on the board from anywhere in the room, this wow's them and gives me some tech credit with them. Anything you can do to get on their level technology wise is a huge benefit to getting their buy in for class.

great point made here. I like your idea of taking the information & seeing who is correct. This demonstrates humility on your part & also teaches them to research their info & learn to back it up from credible sources.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

It seems to be almost impossible to keep up with everthing. Our school has training when ever microsoft comes out with something different. But I find that many students have different names for the same thing. Whenever thsat happens I stop and everyone agrees what it will be called, or I decide for the class.

I think this is a great strategy as it helps with the class but is also a great demonstration in bringing the group together for the sake of clarity. A great work, communication skill.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

I think this can also be used to reach students to assess the quality of the information they are accessing. Just because you can find something on the internet does not mean it is true,accurate, or up to date.

you are so right & I believe one of our jobs as instructors to this generation is to help them become wise consumers & critical thinkers.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

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