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Faculty Integrity

I have known a situation that was demoralizing to my students.  A campus dean would walk to each class in session, coffee in hand, enter the classroom, look around to catch any student with coffee in a classroom, then return to her or his office to write a message to the instructor, threatening to terminate the instructor if another cup of coffee were to be seen in her or his classroom.  The students noted the cup of coffee in the dean's hand, and were more than a bit demoralized with such events.  Is this situation a question of faculty integrity, or is it a case of the right of the office? 

Get Organized

The best thing you can do is stay on top of grades. I tend to put off archiving grades, then it stacks up. Now I get it done the last day, and that leaves the first day of a new rotation for more class prep time. I also archive everything from that same day if I can, and if not, I get it done the first thing the next day. Don't let it stack up!

Managing the Class & Students

There is always room for growth and improvement of self. Often times we have to evaluated self to improve self.

overwhelmed students

what you do for students who are excllent in the class, yet they overwhelmed by reponsiblities on the job, and they have to come late, leave early, or no show sometimes? 

A cheating student

I found that, it is a good opportunity to sit with student, and talk to him about how serious this act is, and can refelect on his ife and character, and give a constructive advise, and offer your help, and that will build a great trust, and also will change in student attitude in a big way

calling students by name

I found that calling students by their name when you ask question, will be very effectife to attract their attention, and reduce the possiblity of being bored in the class, and they feel important

one on one discussion

I founf that the best way to get student more involved, after assessing why he or she dosn't engage, is to make a time to sit with the student and tell him the benefit of getting involved and offer your help if they need

making mistakes

There are times that I make an error (sometimes on purpose and sometimes by mistake) when I am putting something on the board on there is a typo on a Power Point slide.  What I usually do is ask the students if they can find the mistake or typo (if I know that it is present) to bring about more class discussion.  Does anyone else use their mistakes as teaching moments?


asking a student to leave

I have had to ask students to leave the classroom because of their disruptions and have resolved the situations with talking with them during a scheduled appointment.  However, I have never dismissed a student from a course.  Has anyone ever had that bad of a disruptive student?


Other websites that can help with studying   (This has anatomy, terminology and many other great study tools as well as games)


Choosing Stressors to Eliminate or Reduce

Unfortunitly life can't be with out  stress,  we just have to deal with stress in a smart way eighter stress at work or home...recently I am joinning  to one of the gyms and they thought me how to breath and how  to stretch after work out..It is really made me like a new person...I am so much relux no matter what kind of stress I get...I am able to deal with things and help me to remember things better then befor.


Within this course it was suggested that "Before you prepare new materials, you should search the Internet for publishers who offer textbooks that come with supporting materials and ask these publishers if you can review these materials."  This does not imply we purchase the materials and use them, it implies we ask if we can review their materials and then take ideas from them (plagerize them.)  This does not seem right nor do I think copywritten, published materials should be plagerized! This may not have been what the author of this course intended to suggest but that is how it was written. Am I wrong?

Managing the class and students

Group work can be an effective method to motivate students, encourage active learning, and develop key critical-thinking, communication, and decision-making skills

Quiet students

How can I engage a quiet student without embarrassing them?

Help with incorporating Healthy Coping strategies in a split-shift schedule

What are some easy to incorporate healthy coping mechanisms that can be added into a split shift schedule?  My schedule is 8 am-12 pm, 3 pm-5 pm, 6 pm-8 pm.  I usually end up working the full 12 hours if I do not stop myself for a food break.  I am used to working in an office with a perfectly defined schedule of get to work in the morning and get ready for patients, go to lunch and then go home after the last patient.  Now that I am a full-time instructor, I am having a hard time defining when to take breaks and scheduling in some stress reducing activities.  If I am not prepping for my class, grading and recording student work, documenting student activity, calling dropped students and inviting them back to finish their program, or tutoring students, I feel as if I will get behind.  Being behind on grades is very stress inducing. Any suggestions? 

Stress about Special needs Students

How can Instructors help a special needs student, or a student that might have a learning disability?  Is there any extra training that could help instructors help theses types of students?

What do instructors do when they have a special needs student in their class that is not understanding the lectures or who has a difficult time reading and understanding the text book, and writing and answering homeweork exercises?

The school standards render every student teachable and every student should be taught the skills and knowledge to be able to fuction and thrive in the careerfield.  How do Instructors structure their lectures and homework so that the special needs student can succeed and pass the classes to be in their career field ?


normative vs instrumental control

Why would normative be a more affective way to motivate employees. This seems like a negative way to lead.

Getting Students to Complete the assigned homework

I am having a really hard time this module with students just not wanting to complete the entire assignment!  They either skip questions or omit a whole section.  I have tried going over the questions on the homework in a class discussion, I have tried making the sections most students omit, worth triple the points to entice them to complete the whole section.  I am getting a whole lot of students with near failing grades.  I would think that having a low score would inspire them to inquire about such a low score, or ask me to help them, but they don't and just accept the super low score.  Does anyone have any suggestions to get the students to complete the entire assignment?

let's find out how we can use the biotechnology in paternity testing.

we learned about the structure of the DNA and the role of electrophoresis as well as the restriction enzymes. let's see whether you can find out the biological father on the given example.

Techniques to help in th classroom

What is the best way to handle a student who seems disintrested in the lecture?