Phil Finch

Phil Finch

About me


Technology in Healthcare Education

Hopefully all candidates entering the healthcare world would know to expect they would be utilizing Information Technology (I.T.), and therefore should expect to utilize it during their classroom, laboratory, and clinical experiences.

I have used PowerPoint® in clickable interactive format to create a simulated patient electronic medical record (EMR). I tried to design it to be a foreshadowing of what a student will see when (s)he goes into clinical. For those familiar with reading a patient’s EMR, it may include the following and more:

History and Physical, Emer. Dept. record, Laboratory values, Radiographic images and interpretation,… >>>

Teams are generally an essential component of a research project. Not all teams are effective and congenial. Factors contributing to poor team function may include cultural differences (e.g., one being from Eastern Europe and another being from USA West coast culture), religious/spiritual differences, gender preference differences, educational level differences, and differences in enthusiasm (or lack of) for the subject of the team.  

In my case of selecting a research team for a project, I have a good perspective of who would be compatible team members, but I also ask for a selected team member to suggest another person for… >>>

In this module, I have learned (reinforced my prior learning) about methods for promoting critical thinking (effective thinking) in our Associate of Applied Science program. It is readily apparent that some students (learners) easily process information and solve challenging problems using mental processes consistent with critical thinking. Sadly, in any cohort of our learners, there are those students who (as our module suggests) “resist” going into critical thinking mode. Some wish to remain at the recall level (as suggested in Bloom’s Taxonomy), not wishing to apply, translate, or analyze problems.  If I am to demonstrate learning of this concept, then… >>>

I have years of experience, but if I do not effectively communicate my expertise, I have failed to teach.

I do appreciate the concepts of conveying expertise, along with empathy for each student's (learner's) background, delivered enthusiastically and with clarity.

Because the discipline I teach involves crisis management, based upon knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology, conducting a crisis scenario seems like a very good teaching method. 

I have used a method to teach how to manage high risk births, prepare the infant for transport, and for how to stabilize and treat the newly-born upon arrival at the tertiary institution.  We utilized the surgery laboratory for pretend emergency C-section, then moved to the nursing laboratory to stabilize the infant, then transported the infant to the Respiratory Care laboratory, placing it on the optimal ventilatory settings, administering surfactant, etc. . 

Looking… >>>

In this module, I have been reminded that a balanced bit of levity can move the class along pleasantly. Having (now 53 years ) experience in the Respiratory Care profession allows me to think of amusing events in patient care (not at a patient's expense) that can set a new student up to remember foolish actions to avoid, or can teach a student how to instruct a patient in a procedure. 

The mechanism of cough has four components to it, inspiration, glottic closure, compression, and expulsion. A tracheostomized patient cannot have glottic closure nor compression. Having grown up on a… >>>

Today, we think of ensuring the air conditioning or heater is working well.

When my father taught in a one-room school during the great depression, in the winter, he went to his "work" early to build a fire in the wood stove before students arrived.  The theme was the same as it is now . . . keep the learners comfy.

The information in this module is not new to me, but it is a good refresher to promote empathizing with each student, regardless of her or his background and motivation(s) for being in a particular class.


I have learned to keep my mouth shut.  That is blunt, but appropriate.  

Before taking this course, I did not know the legalities of making statements supportive of our program.  Now, I will refer any direct questions to those trained in legal answers.  I will not jeopardize my job or our program. 

Discussion Comment

I agree that we all need to know this information.  I was not well informed. 

Now, I will keep my mouth shut.  At most, I will refer questions asked directly of me to those who are officially qualified to answer.


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