Andre Demers

Andre Demers

About me


Within this course it was suggested that "Before you prepare new materials, you should search the Internet for publishers who offer textbooks that come with supporting materials and ask these publishers if you can review these materials."  This does not imply we purchase the materials and use them, it implies we ask if we can review their materials and then take ideas from them (plagerize them.)  This does not seem right nor do I think copywritten, published materials should be plagerized! This may not have been what the author of this course intended to suggest but that is how it was written.… >>>

Discussion Comment

I am known as the instructor who never gives a straight answer. (even my children say this about me)I consider this a compliment. What typically happens is that the student will ask me a question, usually during a lab and really just wants me to give them the answer to a required lab question. I always come back with probing questions for them, to lead them to their answer. Many times they know the answer but just don't have the confidence to put down on paper. They may ask something like "why do lean mixtures cause misfires?" I will respond… >>>

Discussion Comment

I can't totally agree with all that was said in this module in regards to allowing students to access information in various forms. In my experience, too many, if given the opportunity to use the internet in class, will usually end up,very quickly, on socail sites etc that have no relation to course content. Perhaps it is the 18-25 year old groups I usually deal with but that is the majority of post secondary education is it not? Hyper links are OK as you can control the area acessed to some extent but to allow them to decide where they… >>>

A simple "who are you" form is used in my class that gives me some idea of who I have and gives me opportunities to find common ground with my students. I try to pick out the ones who seem to keep to themselves or are having problems and re read their form. Just making simple conversation about something personal to them can change their attitude for the whole class.

I used to work as an instructional assistant at a community college. One evening I was making my rounds in the lab and noticed grey muddy footprints all over the shop floor so I followed them around though the library and into the shop where I met up with the student who made the mess. He was speaking with another student, so I went and got a mop and bucket and brought it to him and said "Here you go". He appologized and went off to mop up the muddy mess. The student he was speaking to informed me that… >>>

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