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School Activities

At our school we plan yearly picnics , even a talent show as well . At first I thought it was kind off silly but students really enjoyed these activities and it turns out the older students were much more receptive than the younger crowds .

We have annual student car show and cook out it is always alot of fun and I beleive it helps with student retention.

I'll bet the car show is a hit. Good for you... any activities to keep the vision alive and to cause engagement with the school is a tool for retention.

Dr. Banks

This is a great way to gain back lost students as well! Inviting those students may assist in re-enrollments!

That doesn't surprise me. Many times "younger" people think they are too cool for events such as this. Older crowds just want to enjoy themselves and others and don't worry about what others think. That's one thing I admire about "seasoned" folks.

At our school we hold alot of events for our students. We hold drag races for them, rent out a gocart track and have alot of volenteering opertunities for them.

Sounds like you have fun. Do you hold career events, too? Remember, in the end... students need to see the link between education and the job.

Dr. B

Planning fun age related activities are key to keeping student interested in the school environment as well as bonding with new friends. All these activities can be key to retaining a marginal student and creating a success story.

Does it always have to be fun activities? Bonding experience are important... What other kinds of activities? The key is relationship building. Make sense?

Dr. B

We hold career events also. The events like drag racing and carting are career related since we teach at an automotive scool.

Good deal. Do you have guest speakers?

Dr. B

We occasionally have guest speakers that students recognize. They talk about their careers, professionalism, mistakes and funny things they have experienced in their life. Students like to hear that others have struggled to get where they are and their success wasn’t just handed to them.

Guest speakers are great... why, you create a linkage to why students are in school and students remember their goal and vision.

Dr. B

At our technical school we have a car show. We also sponsor a student drag racing event. I really like the idea of getting students to attend a graduation ceremony. Graduations are one on the most emotionally powerful events you can attend. Students who attend a graduation will anticipate this event for themselves.

Excellent. When students see other students graduating... their vision of employment and why they are in school is reinforced. See what you can do.

Dr. B

We used to do this at our school. I would love to see it come back.

Our school has a car show and an open-entry race.

We do several things to keep the eyebrows raised. We have an annual car show with several of the local clubs showing off there wares. Also, we rent the local track twice a year and let the students run their cars after a tech inspection of course. We have awareness days with our elective programs to keep the interest up. All of this works and it keeps the buzz going around campus as they always have something to talk about they can all relate to.

we have drag races twice a year, a couple of car shows as well as various other events to keep students excited about what they are doing. even with the number of events we have, It is never enough. It seems to be so easy for them to lose focus of there chosen career path if not continualy reminded.

Sounds great. Try adding a couple job fairs or speakers on employment in the profession. This will help students to not lose focus.


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