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How are the peer tutors selected and compensated? Presumably, their work is done outside of normal class hours. How is that coordinated and do they access to labs?

We have a division with-in the school to help the incoming students with information about housing, jobs, car pooling etc.

Our school commitment to the students is to help in any way possible to help them stay in school. We have a division which helps with finding jobs, car pools, food etc.

Periodic questioning of an at-risk student is apprised as an appealing gesture of reinforcement towards self accuracy.

at work all instructors are required to meet and greet students on a daily basis so that the we can show the students that we care and to evaluate each students professionalism on a dasaily basis. we set a higher standard.

We have many different plans in place to evaluate and see if the expectations of our students is being met. We even use class room evaluations by the students of the material taught and way in which it is delivered. We also use instructor observations by other instructors and managers to help each instructor improve his/her skills in the classroom. We have a whole department devoted to our students and what we can do as a school for them.

Our school has a Student Services Department. It operates a student pantry which provides snacks and light food to students who ran out of cash to buy food. The student services department provides gasoline if a student get stranded in the parking lot after school for want of money to buy gasoline. The student absence and tardy are closely watched by the Student Services Department and render counciling services if needed. Students who is in dire need of a job are provided with one in the security, building maintenance or resource center departments. The education department arranges free tutoring services for those who are in need of them.

Most schools have a Student Services department, but I don't think many are as engaged as yours. Do you know the budget per student? You don't have to save many students to cover the cost, whatever it is.

How often are instructors observed by other instructors and managers? Does this become part of their performance evaluation? This can be a very productive practice.

Ironically a large portion of the funds come form contributions made by students and faculty as well outside organization that donate to the cause. They do this through bake sales and other type of fund raisers.

At our institution we have a program called “I CARE” that assists student in a variety of ways. The can log on to the web sit or access the hot line #. There they can find the help that they may be looking for.

I also work at the school that Mohan works at. We do have a very dynamic Student Services department that has a great Student outreach. There are several functions during the year where money and or donations are collected to stock the pantry. Recently the pantry rules have changed because of abuse but it is still a very active program. The main thing that I see in that department is a geniune care and concern for our Students and they feel that. It is probably something they don't experance to much of at home or with their friends.

The School continually raises the Bar with the instructors, training is ongoing and Instructor observation skills are improved. Instructor involvment is encouraged and promoted.

Countless money spent on tools,updated technology,supplies & resourses.The facility itself is always clean and maintaned in a very safe condition.Required training of instructors in technology and safety.I could probably write pages of how our school is commited to the education and well being of our students,I'm proud to say.

It must be very gratifying to see how students and faculty respond to the needs of their own. Is there a particular person or department responsible for coordinating the fund raising activities?

Are there links to campus and community sources of help on the web site? What hours is the hot line open and who answers it?

Does this office also provide advising/counseling services? It sounds like you have some very dedicated, proactive people in that office. I hope everyone on the campus knows how fortunate you are.

Good point, Charles. State-of-the-industry equipment/technology and a well maintained facility are essential physical indications that the school is committed to first class training. These are the basis for building pride among faculty, staff and students.

My school has many programs in place to help the students succeed. A food pantry to help the struggling student. A housing assistance program, carpool finder, employment center, etc.

From the instructor aspect we work to keep the student motivated and help them hold the vision of their future in the fore front so that the struggles are viewed as challenges and not impossible obstructions.

the institution i am part of have several ways. one of them is helping find employment for the student durning school and after there graduation as well
Jerry Andrews

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