Measuring Your Career Success | Origin: CS101
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Setting Up an Effective Career Services Department --> Measuring Your Career Success
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
I've learned on this module how important is feedback from students, grads, alumni and employers are for enhancing our services and skills that we provide. Keeping track of employers, graduates and placements is a key role for CS.
I learned about the importance of feedback. A school isn't just about providing education and forgetting about their students after graduation. A school needs to continue their relationships with past graduates and in doing so will benefit from many connections and improvements.
We need feedback from all valuable parties to succeed.
Keeping in touch with graduates who are gainfully employed is important. It is equally important to keep in contact with employers; to get feedback about students, as well as getting feedback from students regarding the Career Services Department.
Following up with employers is crucial; this will give an insight into how graduates are doing. This will also notify if any changes need to be made.
Employer relationship building is a major component in continuing to get feedback and employment placements.
I learned how important it is to keep track of your graduates and to get feedback from them. I think the one thing that I learned that I did not know and was impressed by is that some employers will actually offer scholarships to employees. I think this is a great motivator for any graduate who wants to grow in their career field and will encourage outstanding work.
This module reiterated the importance of employer partnerships and relationship building with your students. Employers and Students are the primary people we serve.
I learned the significant impact staying connected with graduates and employers can have on improving our programs and services.
Alumni/Graduate feedback is just as important as current student and employer feedback. It can help the department and institution in updating certain information in curriculum or seminars that departments provide to better suite the needs of the students once they are out in the workforce.
I learned the importance of surveys for both employers and graduates.
It is important to gain both student feedback and employer feedback to better understand if your program and career services department are helping graduates succeed.
Constructive feedback today is the key to a better tomorrow! If we don't continually evaluate our processes, how can we ever call our institutions competitive for a student's success? Reaching out to all individuals involved is important....from student to graduate to employer. Every level provides unique insights and suggestions for improvement. I look forward to implementing regular check-ins with each population to gain a better understanding of the fluency of our college.
It is important to gather feedback from students, graduates and employers to make sure we are preparing students to succeed in their fields.
I have learned that it is important to gather and track stats from students, graduates, employers, and employment outcomes. It will be difficult to gauge institutional effectiveness without the data to back it up and drive improvement.
Hola una vez mas. En este módulo, aprendí la importancia de recopilar y mantener registros precisos sobre el éxito y la carrera de los graduados y estudiantes. Algunos de los temas que son relevantes en esta situación se enumeran a continuación:.
- Mantenga una lista de empleadores: para referencia futura, es útil mantener un registro de los empleadores donde los estudiantes han trabajado o realizado pasantías. Puede ayudar a los consejeros profesionales a conectarse con los empresarios para obtener más información sobre posibles vacantes en el futuro.
- Mantener una lista de graduados. Esto le permitirá evaluar la efectividad de sus programas y el calibre de su educación al buscar graduados y sus trayectorias profesionales. Con su ayuda también se puede lograr inspirar y motivar a los estudiantes actuales.
Mantenga las estadísticas de ubicación precisas. Esto lo ayudará a detectar patrones y tendencias geográficas en las trayectorias profesionales de los graduados al realizar un seguimiento de dónde se encuentran los patrones y dónde trabajan los graduados.
- Obtenga comentarios de los estudiantes: los comentarios de los estudiantes sobre sus experiencias con los servicios profesionales y la búsqueda de empleo pueden ayudar a la eficiencia y la calidad del departamento. También puede ser útil para determinar áreas en las que se pueden brindar recursos y apoyo adicional a los estudiantes.
- Pregunte a los graduados y exalumnos sus: las opiniones de los graduados y exalumnos pueden ofrecer datos reveladores sobre el calibre de la educación recibida, el grado en que los graduados están preparados para la fuerza laboral y el grado en que los graduados tienen éxito en ese entorno. También pueden impartir conocimientos valiosos para sus carreras y perspectivas sobre los cambios en el mercado laboral.
- Obtener comentarios de los patrones: el departamento de servicios profesionales puede utilizar los comentarios y las opiniones de los patrones para mejorar la enseñanza universitaria al aprender más sobre las calificaciones y el calibre de los estudiantes y graduados que contratan. También se puede utilizar para garantizar que los estudiantes reciban la instrucción que necesitan para hacer bien su trabajo.
It is good to track employers, graduates, placement stats and gain feedback from all to effectively run all departments.
They can also enrich the learning process for students and help in job retention.
From this module, I've learned the importance of keeping relationships, getting feedback from graduates and employers i.e knowing how they can help an institution measure it's performance and gain new information.
Data is vital! Keeping detailed tabs on graduate progress, employer satisfaction, and needs, and current student needs can help guide decision-making. Maintaining relevance to the student/graduate and employers is necessary.
I learned that keeping in touch with graduates is important to me for several reasons. Firstly, it helps me maintain a strong alumni network, fostering a sense of belonging and community among former students. Secondly, it enables me to provide ongoing support and mentorship opportunities for current students, as graduates can share their experiences and provide guidance. Lastly, staying connected with graduates allows me to track their career paths, gather valuable feedback, and showcase their success stories, enhancing the reputation and credibility of my institution.