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Overview of Career Schools and Colleges | Origin: CM301

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Compliance Training for Texas School Directors --> Overview of Career Schools and Colleges

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

The TWC and CCS have clear and explicit requirements for key personnel at a career college. This includes the school director, director of education, admissions personnel, and faculty. Appropriate forms and fees must be submitted to gain approval for the key personnel -- generally before those personnel begin working in their role. 

School directors and designee must comply with the State rules and regulations at all time. The school director must be present at school during most of the working hours. 

Learned the roles, rules, and regulations that a school must follow to be CSC compliant.

Compliance is as integral part of running a school as any other aspect of operations. As managers of schools it's paramount that we are comfortable with compliance requirements and know how to recognize potential problems before they arise.

I learned the importance of school administrators and Career Schools remaining compliant with the State of Texas. It is essential to operate within the laws and regulations established by the State of Texas. 

The lessons are very informative. If you are planning to be a leader i.e., administrator, Director, President level I highly recommend that this course is taken.  You want to ensure that you are in compliance. The goal is to make sure that you are providing top notch service to the students you will be serving.  

If you have a specific compliance question, please contact the appropriate regulatory or accrediting agency. Use the lounge only for discussion of general compliance and ethics issues.

This course provides school administrators (including the School Director, Executive Director, Campus President, Dean of Education, and senior campus managers) in the state of Texas a working knowledge of the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) rules and regulations for career schools and colleges. This course covers all aspects of operations and compliance for administrative-level staff. The how and why details in the areas of Admissions, Administration, Financial Aid, Education, and Career Services are covered in a user-friendly, multi-sensory environment that allows the participants to test themselves on compliance issues that are faced on a daily basis.

I have learned that the roles we play are significant and knowing how to proceed with every action you place in this department is extremely important.    The number one takeaway I understand is that compliance is essential, ensuring everything is accounted for is what is important, and ensuring we are serving our students no matter what. 

I have learned the roles and compliances related to representatives, directors, and instructors. The lesson is helpful as a reminder and as an update to compliance issues that have been discussed previously or have had changes made.

I learned that representatives cannot solicit in public places other than organized meetings. This lesson has taught a lot of useful information that will be applied daily. 

I have learned the state requirements for Admission Representative, Directors, and Instructors teaching in the private postsecondary sector of education.  Furthermore, I have a better understanding of the regulations and what state, or CSC approvals are required.

Good afternoon.


I have learned /refresh rules and regulations are necessary to be/stay in compliance. Additionally director responsibilities and duties.

I am learning TX law and plan to apply in the future.

I've learned that the state provides guidance on how to operate a career school successfully by putting into place laws and rules in the practice of enrolling prospective students. This is to ensure that the career school has all the information it needs to stay in compliance. 

I intend to use this information in the day-to-day operations of the school and utilize as applicable.


After reviewing the Overview of Career Schools and Colleges, I learned about the details that are involved with being compliant with the state of Texas. I also learned about the process for qualifying an instructor to be approved to teach the program. 



I have learned that a Representative has to have a undersrtanding/knowledge of the campus and he/she must provide accurate information regarding their school.  The representative cannot advise students about FA nor discredit other schools.


I also learned that a School Director at a small school must have a good reputation related to the rules of CSC, and management experience.

I have been able to refresh my knowledge about qualifications for a representative, and the instructor. The application process for these positions was helpful as well.


I learned I have a lot to learn.


I have learned that there are many rules and regulations that have to be followed in order to be in compliance with the CSC. This module has been very informative for the responsibilities pertaining to a School Director's role and obligations. 

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