Admissions Staff Training Program | Origin: CM201
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Admissions Compliance for Postsecondary Schools in Florida --> Admissions Staff Training Program
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
Hello There,
The information in the CM201 is vital to learn and have for reference as I interact with prospective students. Understanding the different terms I will use to communicate is also advisable.
I am currently new to the Admission Representative role. I learned that it is important to learn the rules that are required by the Florida Commission for Independent Education. I have also learned that you need to be update with all features and benefits of enrollment.
Being that this is my first time as an Admissions Rep, this is very informative.
this module was very informative
I have been teaching and educating for quite some time and I am very experienced in my field. Nonetheless I've learned the specific requirements that admissions, staff, and faculty must follow. This has broadened my understanding regarding institution regulations and policies.
This is my third admissions position, but my first time taking this course. I am refamiliarizing myself with the basics and creating a reference notebook for the future.
In this module, I have learned the importance of clear and effective communication in the admissions process, as well as strategies to guide prospective students in their decision-making. I gained insight into providing a personalized experience and addressing inquiries professionally and empathetically. I will apply this knowledge by ensuring I provide accurate information, respond promptly, and demonstrate empathy in every interaction with applicants, helping them make well-informed decisions about their education.
The importance of admissions is very important. this will help me to learn this process.
I’ve learned the basic terminology and procedures for offering programs accredited by the State of Florida, which is essential for understanding the quality standards and compliance requirements needed for success in this region. I also learned how to create a resource notebook to organize and compile key information for the admissions team.
I learned key definitions to everyday words used in admissions, the importance of policy/procedure, and the importance of training.
Hello, as I go through this course, I am learning about the proper phrases to use and what not to use as I am speaking with prospective students and helping them make the best decisions for their future.
La capacitación en admisiones es fundamental para garantizar que los representantes cuenten con el conocimiento necesario sobre normas, reglamentos y procedimientos clave. Esto asegura una atención adecuada a los solicitantes. Respecto a disponer de un cuaderno de recursos bien estructurado resulta esencial. Este permite organizar y actualizar la información de manera eficiente, asegurando un acceso rápido y preciso a los datos necesarios.
En este módulo, hemos aprendido que el cumplimiento implica adherirse de manera estricta a las leyes, regulaciones y políticas que rigen nuestra institución. No se trata únicamente de seguir reglas de manera mecánica, sino de garantizar que nuestras acciones y decisiones cumplan con los estándares establecidos para evitar sanciones, problemas legales o consecuencias negativas que puedan afectar la reputación de la organización.
Por otro lado, una cultura de cumplimiento va más allá de simplemente cumplir con las normas. Representa una mentalidad colectiva y un compromiso institucional con el comportamiento ético, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas. Esta cultura debe estar presente en cada nivel de la organización, influyendo no solo en las acciones de los empleados, sino también en los procesos, decisiones y estrategias de la institución.
Además, una cultura de cumplimiento fomenta un ambiente de confianza donde los empleados se sienten empoderados para expresar preocupaciones, reportar irregularidades y participar activamente en la construcción de un entorno más ético. Este enfoque ayuda a garantizar que todos se sientan responsables de proteger los valores y principios fundamentales de la institución.
My name is Gisele, I'm head of the Admission's Department in a Nursing School, and what I've learned that caught my attention is the admission employee cannot induce an applicant to enroll by offering bonuses, discounts or similar. I was considering presenting an idea to offer discount for students, but now I understand it's wrong.
I truly enjoyed this module thus far and have enjoyed learning what the different aspects of the admission process entail. The staff training has been truly informative and I look forward to discovering even more information regarding the entire process.
From this module, I’ve learned how to better identify prospective students’ needs and guide conversations to align their goals with what the institution offers. I plan to apply this by asking more open-ended questions to uncover their motivations and using active listening to tailor my responses. This will help build trust and create a stronger connection with students, making the admissions process feel more personalized and supportive.
Que formar una institución educativa conlleva una responsabilidad muy grande tanto con el estado, con las organizaciones que la regulan y principalmente con los estudiantes que nos confían su aprendizaje, también que hay normativas que debemos seguir para poder brindar una educación de calidad y siguiendo los lineamientos que las instituciones nos indican. Que debemos recibir capacitación constante como personal administrativo activo y responsable de guiar a los estudiantes a través de los cambios que puedan ocurrir. También estar capacitado para brindar información actualizada, aprender los términos académicos.