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It is always important to be on the up and up when it comes to what your school has to offer and what they are currently advertising. You want to be familiar with what you school feels like it has to market within your community.

I think its important to make sure the information is accurate,so that the prospect have a clear understanding about the institution.

All potential students had a chance to see some marketing materials prior to start school. I am happy that it is regulated so no school will provide falls information.

In many instances, it is important to know how the potential student heard about your schools programs. This often will help in understanding what will motivate a student to choose the right school and program for their needs.

it's important to know marketing strategies but also imprtant to ask where they heard about our institution from. Students can come from all over media, and if we can find out which is most effective efforts can be put towards that.

It is important to be familiar with your school's marketing material. You should be well versed on the message they are conveying. Additionally, this is the first point of contact for many prospective students and they will often mention or question an agent about advertisements. Your credibility and intregrity could otherwise be compromised not being aware.

It is important to be aware of your schools marketing programs as many times this is the first point of contact for students and what may attract them to the school to begin with. You want to know what they saw and why it is important to them. In addition, you want to clear up any misconceptions they may have.

It's important to know where the advertising is so when you ask your student how they heard about you, you are up to date.

I agree with this statement. As an agent, we need to know the marketing materials and be familiar with the advertisements for our school. These advertising and marketing programs are in place to help us convey what our school has to offer to each and every potential student. This is a wonderful tool for us as agents to use to our advantage.

I think that it is important to review this information to get an understanding of how the school represents itself to perspective students. Plus if the student ask you about something specific the advertisement says, you want to be sure that you know the information is there and can answer the question accurately.

Our school will not allow us to use any marketing material without being approved by our compliance dept.

Understanding what and how your school is advertised to prospective students will allow the admissions rep. to be better in touch with what drew the prospect to your school. It gives the admissions rep the opportunity to better relate to the prospective student by understanding the students driving force, needs, and/or long term goals.

It is important to know the contents of the ads because you want to know what the student has been told about the school, or what their exposure thus far of the school has been. It is better to know what a student is talking about when referring to an ad they have seen, rather than to be clueless as to what they are talking about. It makes you seem knowledgeable and competent when you are in the know.

It's important to have an idea what your prospective students will know/expect about your school when they come to you with inquiries. This way, as an agent, you can manage those expectations and be prepared to provide further information that will be useful to the student.

When talking to a prospective student you want to sound knowledgeable about your school. If they mention a marketing piece and you are unaware of it, that might make them doubt your credibility as an admissions representative. I am glad this topic was addressed because I am not as familiar with our marketing materials as I should be. I will change that now.

Yes, it is very important to be knowledgeable of your school's advertising and marketing materials for a couple of reasons. First of all, you want to be able to address potential students' comments and/or questions relative to material content. Secondly, you want to expand on the content that has generated the interest of the potential student (i.e. the particular program, features/benefits of the school, etc.)

Knowing what prospects see before they contact the school is important. Program accuracy, address & e mail or phone numbers need to be correct.The content of the advertising piece helps Admissions know in advance what type of questions or interest may be generated by the "call to action". Knowing what advertising sources motivate the contact are important to track as well so that the school's advertising efforts are maximized.

Being aware of currents ads. This way you know what future students are seeing.

I feel that it is important to to review the advertising and marketing materials because it gives you insight into the Lead's point of view. By seeing the same advertisement that the Lead sees, you can have a better understanding of their expectations and begin to determine how much knowledge the Lead has about the program.

Its always best to review what the school has out for advertising that way you know what the prospect student are looking at. It's never good whe you find out a min too late about something going on in your own school from the prospect student!

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