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We do have "frequently asked questions" responses established here. We also review the information frequently to ensure correct information is given.

I have a thorough list of FAQs that we are expected to encounter with specific wording on what we can say along with several examples of what can not be said, and why it can not be said. This is frustrating when I hear of another university not sticking to the rules of what you can say as a representative. This is misleading to the student and not only potentially gives that particular institution a bad name but representatives as a whole. I believe we are a valuable resource and should carry ourselves with dignity and pride.

The school I represent requires us to take a FAQ test as well. They provide us with literature so we know how to respond to difficult questions students may ask. If we do not pass the test, we cannot continue being an agent.

That seems like a phenomenal idea. I love to hear institutions and agents going above and beyond to make sure they are providing a quality experience and product for the students.

The school not only provides us with that information, but they also test us on it yearly. The guide is very clear on what we are and aren't allowed to say to students as governed by various the various rules set by state, federal, and accreditation agencies.

What would you do if there is a potential student on the phone and they ask questions? How will you guide them to the catalog? FAQ test are very beneficial in providing accurate information to a potential student and making sure that we stay compliant.

My school does provide me with the ability to see "Frequently asked questions." It is nice to be able to see what questions prospective students might ask me.

During training our school does inform us of frequently asked questions. Furthermore, we are trained in directing questions that may be better answered by the appropriate staff member (Financial Aid, Director, etc.) We also encourage ongoing discussion regarding frequently asked questions as things are always evolving.

No, I don't have such a list. however, I'm not the "official" agent here. I'm an instructor who will be attending recruitment meetings to answer questions pertinent to my field of study.

Yes my school does provide me with answers to frequently asked questions. All I would have to do is once the question is asked and I am not sure what the answer is, I tell the prospective student that I apologize but I do not know that answer and I will find it out as soon as possible. I figure out who that questions would be answered by using the organizational chart that is provided. Ask that specific staff or faculty member. Write it down and contact that prospective student back immediately after finding the answer. I keep question with the answer that I found in my notebook for further reference.

We frequently (Admissions team) pull together common questions we get asked. Then we discuss them as a group and our DOA helps us to come up with correct and effective ways to answer these questions. We usually discuss these at our weekly meetings.

yes, everytime i have a question i always call the school and directly ask our supervisor for an answer

Yes they do and we use these responses as a training session and as feedback for how our reps are doing on a quarterly basis.

This information is addressed in the training process. Topics are also addressed in the powerpoint presentation given at information sessions, our website is very extensive and the student catalog is accessible and FAQ's are also on some marketing materials.

We do not formally have a "frequently asked questions" resource currently but it does sound like a good idea to create such a resource. It could help new admissions reps prepare to handle these questions when they come up.
We do however cover these topics during training when the trainee sits in on interviews with already trained admissions reps and potential students.

Yes at my campus we have frequently asked question in our training manuals. At this point we have all access to try and get most queastions answered.

Yes they do supply students and admissions with proper paperwork to frequently answered questions. Its actually on the site for students to look at also.

Yes, company appproved comlpinat to answering frequently asked questions. I have found it useful having the answers to the frequently asked questions. Knowing compliant answers ensures the right thing to tell potential student.

We are provided lists of "FAQ's" from our training department as well as access to our Website "FAQ's." Being able to personalize a response to a prospective student usually is much more effective than the general statement.

Continuing training seems to be in line with questions that commonly occur. 1 on 1 quality control sessions with recruiting representatives procure these questions on a week to week basis. In addition, open communication with upper managment and staff within the department and school are excellent, efficent resources that are used on a day to day basis.

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