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Hi John,
Our school does have an internal training program for agents/admissions reps. There is a major focus on the Benefits Enrollment, Introductions to the school's programs, new employee orientation, and code of business conduct and ethics for employees.
As for the focus on compliance, it seems it's tied into the internal training specific to the role of the employee. I am the Community Relations Specialist for the school, so I'm sure most of the compliance training will be held during CRS training.

-Ron Arndt

we have an excellent training program set in place for our new hires as well as curent employees. Our new hire training lasts about 4 weeks and consists of training on every working aspect out of our univeristy.
We also have weekly training where we discuss the rules and regualtions of our state and federal regulations as well as updates to our accreditation standards.

Our training in the first month is all about compliance. We focus a lot on the presentation that we deliver to prospective students, however it has a script to follow to assure that we are staying compliant. Throughout the years I've been a rep here, we have always had continuing education when it comes to this topic as well

I'm a new hire and currently going through the training process. Throughout the training I've currently received, it has been stressed continuously that we must stay compliant with state/federal/accreditation regulations.

I received a notebook that I put together myself on the rules and regulations of the school. It is a very useful resource and proved to be interesting reading. I keep it on my desk as a constant reminder of everything that I am representing in my job.

Our school has internal training. We have training to keep us up to date on compliance and educational subjects.

The majority of our business at my school is B2B and I have been working in that area for 6 months. I am taking this course to get certified so I can also assist employees within my accounts who want to look at training that can be paid for though tuition reimbursment programs. Even though we are not accredited we are still and approved school on some account's tuition reimbursement program.

Our company does, but I'm also interested in the OACCS sponsored in-person training seminars, as well.

Yes. We had extensive training when we started that was heavily based on compliance laws and regulations. We took part in exercises to detect questions dealing with compliance issues. It was very comprehensive.

We had mock interviews where we were asked either very directly or indirectly questions. I've found that a great deal of time it has to deal with questions about financing.

Yes, we have an internal training program for new admissions reps. It is six Modules long, and about 2/6 of it is focused on compliance.

All new hires are required to participate in the online training immediatly upon their hiring. In addition there is a workbook containing the rules and regulations. Each person is monitored closly for the introductory period.

Our school has a New Representative Training Program that lasts approx. 3 weeks. We also have a QA department that continuously provides feedback and constructive criticism on our interactions with prospective students.

We do have internal training programs offered as soon as you are hired into your position. This is for one week and then you go to the home office for 2 weeks. All training weeks are dedicated to state/federal/accreditation regulations. Our school is very specific on the rules and regulations because compliance is super important.

I am in my 3rd week of training and we have a constant emphasis on ethics and proper compliance. However, based on this course, it is apparent that it is important that an admissions rep. be dilligent about continued monitoring of information and updates.

My school requires 1 week of training on all policies and regulations governing our profession. Managers are also required to travel with the agent in order to do OJT with the agent.

Our internal training is clearly focused on compliance. Compliance is addressed in every facet of our new representative training program. Enrolling students while complying with accreditation standards and being in compliance with state and federal laws, is vital to the success of a higher education institution. Our internal training is also self-guided, which allows the trainee to review, review, and then review a little more. Lynda

My school has several computer based training courses and meetings during agent training involving exactly that. We also cover the compliance needs as we learn the related job responsiblities. That way, we are able to get all the compliance training at once, and also have continue to have it organically ingrained in our lessons as we learn our responsibilities.

Yes, there is always lots to learn as a new hire. Just make sure you take a lot of notes because you will be reverting back to them. Systems training seems harder than what it really is.

Having just started my job, we have not covered a lot of material at this point, however in the 3 days that I have been here, that has been the biggest focus. With an additonal 2+ weeks to go, I am sure it will get quite a bit more in depth as well.

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