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Approach to any stressful situation requires a calm and cool approach. By problem solving you offer a great opportunity to make positive solutions with buy in.

Venting can work if you have a trustworthy person to give you honest feedback.

Frequent breaks, Humor, stretching, etc. . .

Different strokes for different folks, I like to catch up on news . . . with a small half portion o0f coffee. It takes my mind off my current deadlines, even if it's just for a few minutes. Although I could get into the Chinese exercises during lunch. Not sure what you call it but, I can look it up on the net on my first break.

Being Native American these three conditions regarding Mental, Physical and Spiritual aren't of the same construct as they would be for most people. Regardless they are needed for good health, mental attitude, phyical welbeing and have significant somatic impact (mind body connection). They are also beneficial for energy level and thus affect workplace productivity.

Laughling is believed to be the very first form of human communication which signified subordination to higher authority, if true then it's also the oldest form of communication as well.

althogh venting is a good method to to talk things out, bringing our concerns out in the open for others to share their opinion, it can be viewed by upper management as insubordination, or be seen in a poor light by those less qualified.

I would agree venting has its fine lines. It is good to have a trustworthy companion or colleague you can vent with about your opinions or ideas. It is good to have a friend that can openly disagree or agree with constructive ability to critique your position.

Actually the most important part of communication is listening. In some research it has been reported it is 87% of the process. As you well know how people listen to you or not has dramatic outcomes of the future of further communication.

Balance is the key! When you have the components in balance and your health, mental attitude, physical well being and spiritual well being of beliefs will provide a person with peace.

Tai Chi, What ever exercise you choose it will bring a better approach to each day. Relaxation comes in many different forms. You can adjust your entire future by making yourself better aware of your body.

Keeping yourself well balance in your approach to any issues or decisions helps you be more at peace with your self. Exercise, sleep, recreation and spiritual needs will work when they are well balanced.

Take a walk around the building in between class periods. You walk into class feeling refreshed.

Sometimes it is very helpful to remove yourself from the daily strain of your task. It can be helpful to vary your techniques of refresh. Reading, walking, talking with a friend or colleague etc. When you have the balance to refresh your mind to continue with the challenges of the day you can accomplish so much more.

I agree. I do believe that a little stress is helpful but too much can cloud your mind and negativity can spread very easily so you need to not show it to your students.

Positive talk helps to reduce stress. When a person Can take a bad situatiion and see the light at the end of tunnel.

Teaching has some do's and don'ts for you. One is abosolutely have a positive attitude without negativity. A negative attitude creates stress for everyone.

Push-ups help me. I have always need the Physical aspect to lower my stress.

There is good stress and bad. Exercise is good stress. In John Medina's book, "Brain Rules"he explains the value of exercise.

I think the best way to avoid stress levels from getting too high is to build the team together. By that I mean have everyone on the team know they aren't alone and that everyone gets stressed at times and everyone is there to help out everyone else.

I'm a chef and part of the training I did in my restaurants was to have the FOH and BOH cross trained. Not only does this make the restaurant stronger, but it makes everyone realize that everyone else works very hard in the restaurant. It creates a sense of empathy to everyone can empathize with everyone else's job, and if someone sees someone getting overly stressed they can help that person out.

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