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I think stress is both a motivator and distractor depending how you handle it. I think stress from something, say a deadline, is a good thing because it motivates you to push through it and get it done but could be a bad thing if you let it disrupt your workflow and cause you to not complete it by the deadline. Another example is stress spawned by company downsizing. If you let this stress effect your workflow then you could end up letting that stress cause you to be the one getting fired due to lack of productivity. But if you take that stress in a good way, you could use that stress to boost your productivity in hopes that you will be noticed by the company as someone they would not want to lose.

I agree with you. Obviously there is good and bad stress. Excessive stress is always not good. Each of us thrive on certain stresses. We need to know how to balance our lives so we don't lead a stress filled day. We each need the appropriate rest, exercise, spiritual engagement and mental activities.

Everyone has stress. It is how one copes with stress that can make it a motivator or distractor. However, there are times where the stressful event would be too much for any health person to cope with inevitably ending as a temporary distractor.

Many people, including myself, produce higher quality of work when stress is involved. I find myself becoming very focused on obtaining the end result during stressful situations. On the flip side, if I don't have any stress, although the peacefulness is nice, I am not at my highest productivity level.


Stress can be motivating if the stress drives us to an enjoyable outcomne when achieved. Bad stress is often when it is a result of potential sad or emotional outcomes.

With all that said we have to conquer the stress and place ourselves in balance to move on in life.

Stress for me is a motivator. I believe I work better under stress. When I have a deadline to meet, I work at my best. As I work two jobs I am a very busy person. I leave one job and go to another Monday thru Friday and I don’t let wither job interrupt each other. My time to wand down is the drive between jobs, and that is how I relax.

There is good stress and bad. It is important to realize which one is negative for your health.

I agree I now where negitive stressis in my life and I got rid of that a long time ago. I only let positive stress into my life. As I did learn the hard way, but a esson well learned


Positive self talk is the key to keeping proper atttitude.

There are two types of stress, eustress and distress. To answer the question properly, one would have to differentiate.


Good and bad stress is always in our lives. The key is to use healthy stress to make us better and to deal with bad stress so it doesn't take over our healthy lives.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I agree that stress can both motivate and distract. I think that my main problem is procrastination. I know that my deadline is Friday so I hold it off to the last minute and then the bad stress starts! What is a good way to stay at the peak of good stress without leting yourself get overwhelmed?


Procrastination can become a habit. It only gets worse if you let it take over. Treat it like your enemy. Always work ahead and stay ahead of the work curve.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Stress can be a motivator and a distractor. Stress can be used to motivate an employee to work more efficiently, use better time management and meet deadlines. However, if an employee becomes too stressed out, they can become overwhelmed and they can develop toxic worry. In this case, they will become less productive, produce a poorer quality of work and are less likely to meet deadlines.

Burnout can be the result of to much bad stress. Recognizing bad stress and burnout is important.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I feel that stress can be motivate you to get the job done. It could also be a distractor in getting the job done depending on the level of stress.


There is good and bad stress. Stress that is a positive motivator helps to accomplish goals.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I find stress a distration. I find myself worrying which distracts me from my tasks.


The secret is to keep your focus on the goals. Prioritize them and stay on the path. You may have to adjust your path but don't get off the road.

Dr. Gary Carlson

You will always have what is considered to be stres. I believe its only harmful stress if you look at everything from negative prospect.

I tell my employees to be proactive instead of reactive and NOT TO PROCRASINATE. You will eliminate a lot of unnecessary stress if you follow these rules.

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