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The key to accomplishment is organizational skills. I would agree doing multiple task at the same time won't work but to have them prioritized and putting them into sequence is how to get them done with effective performance.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Projects and task a have process which is a handoff to the individuals who will do the implementation. Stages of research, planning, monitoring and review makes the implementation successful.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Stress relief is a combination of events in anyone's life. They are not prescribed activity but are related to good health habits, mental stimulation, spiritual rejuvenation and exercise. How you accomplish this fits the individual preferences.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Bouncing ideas or thoughts others is a trust factor and respect. When you have someone you respect and trust keeps the conversations between you and your team member.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Mild short term stress can be a motivator promoting growth. However, continuous or moderate/ severe stress results in diminished physical functional ability and mental capacity.

There is stress we may enjoy because of the possible outcome is positive and favorable. Stress that is dangerous is that which puts great pressure on our emotional system through trauma and personal loss. This is when we need to practice the stress relief techniques.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Stress is a can be a motivator and a distractor. Knowing that a deadline is approaching can motivate a person to kick themselves into high gear and complete tasks efficiently. However, stress in an impossible environment (where the goal can't be achieved) can become a huge distractor. This stress can often cause physical and mental anquish to the employee.

Stress controlled can be a motivator and stress uncontrolled can be negative. Goals are pathways to success. If for any reason the goal is not appropriate or has met with unforeseen variables which have detrimental effects on the outcome we need to have the ability to communicate the expectations to the team. Stress levels can be lessened by communicating to the people who need to know. This is the appropriate time to create a new plan.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Depends on the person. I give my students a term calendar with the homework and test dates as well as any unusual events posted on it. The students are encouraged to use their available time to work ahead during the beginning of the term when things are a little slower so they will have less to do for my class at the end of the term when other classes may get heavier. I have found those who do this get better grades overall than those who wait and crunch. Plus, the early birds are smiling and coasting at exam time!

We all are better when we are informed. No surprises makes a better learning experience. We all are victims of our own habits. If the instructor can pave a clear path of what it takes and how to get there students have a better chance of succeeding. This also allows for more individual assistance for the students who are advanced and those that may need more time.

Dr. Gary Carlson

It is all situational. It is a motivator b/c it is a stressor and you want to get out of the situation and can push you to move forward to accomplish the task. On the other hand, it can be a distraction which will prevent you from getting to or completing your mission. For me, I try to keep an even temperament no matter what the issue. I do not let anything take me from my center b/c the stakes are too high for me if I become stressed. I have asthma and reacting to stress in a positive manner is paramount. I also had cancer at 24 (now I am 43) and I will not let anything turn that situation into a negative. For others, stress can cause many illnesses and it just is not worth it.


You are on the right track. I usually respond with advice on how to approach stress but you are on the right path with your appoach. This goes to the saying if it isn't broke don't fix it. I would encourage you to practice what has worked for you. The mistake we make is how we forget how we got to the healthy point we are in and start to not continue with the best practices.

Dr. Gary Carlson

As pointed out in the class it is definitely both. It all has to do with the type of stress and how you let if affect you. It can help propel you forward to excel if it is positive and dealt with in that way.

The secret is knowing what is negative stress and positive. Stress that is caused by trauma, loss of life or crisis is much harder to accept and deal with for an emotional state. When we know how to step into the best practices for stress we will handle the situation much better.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Stress can be both a motivator and a distractor. As the course suggested, early signs of "normal" stress is healthy in order to keep us working at peak performance. BUT... when stress overtakes us in can become toxic and unhealthy.
Specific example of the stress distractor includes focusing on the short deadline versus a quality presentation. Quality goes done as stress goes up.

When you have the knowledge of stress and its effect on you; you have the ability to reduce the negative effects. By practicing good stress management you can excel with manageable skills to overcome and succeed.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Stress can be a motivator because it induces people to strive to do their best. People want to be regarded as competent and capable. On the other hand, if people have something very stressful going on in their personal lives, it can really distract them from their work or anything else for that matter.

Stress is positive or negative. Positive stress can be viewed positive or negative. How it is presented is very important. Attitude and leadership helps to motivate people. The stress is good only because of the reward that is felt when one achieves the goal. Negative stress is obviously from trauma or a catastrophic event. Usually the adrenalin experienced is for protection from shock.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Dr. Carlson is see stress as both a motivator and distractor, but my perspective is very different than most. I live with a chronic condition that can be influenced by stress. It can be very distracting because if I allow it, it would run my life... what I do, where I go, my relationships, etc. It is also very much a motivator. Living with a chronic condition isn't easy, but I have used some of the techniques discussed in this course to help manage my condition. Moreover, I use my condition as a motivator for others. I try to help my students understand that we all have our stressors that can impede us from achieving our goals, but if we properly manage these individual stressors we can ultimately succeed.

I applaud your stamina and forthright ability to meet the challenge. This alone helps others to see you as a mentor to achieve even in the midst of a conflict in our minds. Your ability to step forward rather than backwards is a great sing of your emotional stability to move on and be accountable for your task at hand. Congratulations on your courage!

Dr. Gary Carlson

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