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Motivation often comes from good stress. It is great you can respond to stress in your practice. Bad stress comes from trauma and personal loss or health conditions.

Dr. Gary Carlson

There is a good stress and bad. We often everyday continue to respond to challenges. Some of them are greater than others but none the less they are challenges. These often are good stresses that motivate us to achieve but bad stress may create health issues for us. Bad stress is those that are a result of trauma and personal loss emotions. These are the stress moments we need to use our techniques to help us.

Dr. Gary Carlson

The stress sometimes challenges us to become better. These are the coaching moments to move into a higher level of thought and action. Bad stress may work to be harmful to our health. This is when we need to use our stress relief techniques.

Dr. Gary Carlson

You are very correct in your analysis. Stress can be very motivating and moves us to a higher level of performance. We often strive in a life of positive stress. Bad stress can cause health issues and this is when we need to use our stress relieve techniques.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Stress can be definitely a distracter. Stress also can be a motivator to move us to a higher level. Achievement comes from some stress. These are positive stresses but bad stress can cause health issues. This is when you need to use your stress relief techniques.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I find that strees can be both, I certainly find myself in the negative thinking circle. But when there is a deadline my productivity is enhanced.

There is definitely good stress and bad. The good stress takes us to a new level of performance.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Some people are motivated by deadlines and will become energized as the deadline approaches.

Meeting the deadline is only part of the task. The achievement at a high level is another hoop we all try to accomplish.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Depending on the situation, the task at hand, as well as those personal issues the individual is dealing with, stress can be seen from either perspective. All factors should be taken into consideration when evaluating.

An excellent point which I follow as well, including, at times deadlines within a certain time frame (by lunch,class) in order to facilitate completion.

Without a doubt. If a personal issue (moving, relationship, vacation plans)should interrupt in the formulation of a project, planning becomes fragmented and not conducive to optimal conclusion

Interesting point, allows one to consider future responses to requests for assistance, including those who always volunteer and then feel as though they are overwhelmed, and the response of those surrounding

I concur, as long as I leave the time-keeping device out of sight, and respond to feedback(both + and -) from the body. I also found that I am better able to concentrate on the task at hand

Paula ,
You have taken measures to complete the task at hand. Your cognizance of the situation helps you deal with the information and communication.

Dr. Gary Carlson

It can be both for me, but mostly a distractor. When I am overwhelmed it typically inhibits me from doing anything for a little while because I don't know where to start. What I have learned is to make a list and check one thing off at a time until it doesn't feel so overwhelming and I can be proud of the progress I have made.

This is a good practice especially when you become overwhelmed with duties and task. It is rewarding to see your challenges be accomplished as you check them off.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Stress is both it can and will motivate most people if they want to acheive something. Stress can be a distracter as it can cause lossed focus, undue worry and decreased effectiveness.

Good and bad stress requires some techniques to relieve the tension. Good stress may motivate and have good results. Bad stress is when there is an increased trauma to your psyche.

Dr. Gary Carlson

Stress can be a motivator to an extent. When we begin to focus more on the problem and allow stress to escalate it then becomes a distractor.

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