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Don't forget something very important talking about leader skills: Common sense, always you have to handle your team based in the common sense

excellent point! Never get so involved in theory or numbers that you forget the people.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

I feel that one needs to be willing to step up to the plate and make changes when needed. In an ever changing world you have to be willing to make changes that are for the better of the company. Also don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don't know the answer ask someone who might, or who might be able to help you brainstorm or research the answer.

I believe THE most important skill is to be a good listener. This skill is often overlooked in management. A good listener is able to listen to a person's thoughts or feelings without judgement. A good listener is able to resist the urge to "fix" or "one-up" the person speaking. Ultimately, every person wants to be heard. Often there is no real solution. Creating a space where employees can vent or hash out ideas is advantageous for all involved.

I agree with both of you! Establishing trust is essential while still being able to set boundaries. It is important to be mindful of where each member of the team is and meet them there.

One of the most important supervisory skills to have is an understanding of the job/tasks of your staff. Unfortunately you cannot successfully lead without this. Also supervisors need to stay positive; it is difficult to motivate others when the leader is disgruntled or unmotivated themselves.

As I read some of the other comments I noticed common denominators from all who replied. Respect, being one along with open- door policy, non-judgemental, to encourage and praise (students/ employee) for a job well done.And to continue to encourage them in every way. To step out side their confort zone. All the are qualities make a good manager, as well as setting boundries in a way that is not offensive to anyone. As I read all the comments it is a validation that I am doing what alot of us do and that is a good feeling! So kudo's to all!!

Walking side by side with an employee by leading by example is an important supervisory skill that each leader to possess. Managing others is much easier than leading others. As a leader, we must show our staff that we are committed to their success but not afraid to hold them accountable and expecting their very best every day. Recognize and praise the god behavior, but also address behavior that must be corrected.

to me some of the most important skills are to get to know your crew. find a way to relate to everyone on your team, but treat everyone the same. Be consistent, a great listener, and follow through on your work, words, and goals.

Setting direction, motivating and inspiring a team.

Being a good listener and valuing others opinion's is effective for creating your team's cohesiveness but it also creates that greater internal motivating factor on an individual level.

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