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Hi Chanel, yes - I think using technology definitely develops motor skills because students have to learn how to type and use a computer keyboard. I'm not sure I understand how it would help with sensory skills. Can you elaborate a little more?


So, we should also "value" these skills in assignment/project design and the distribution of the overall grade.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Students are no longer passive recipients of what the instructor lectures. New technology enables students to participate in the learning, assessment, and course outcome processes. I have had students in my class who will google a question and answers instantly. A good example is the Wikipedia project which is both a learning and continuously changing and different people interact and add or subtract information. Learning becomes more applicable and context sensitive rather than memorization.


Very good points. I agree that classes become highly interactive when students can explore ideas by searching supporting information and research while the class is taking place.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Hello Dr. Reynard,

Types of new skills that the use of new technology develops in students today, in my opinion is, research and analysis. Like I said in a previous reply, learning on the Internet is fun. You can go from one link to another and before you know it you have some major information on the subject.

Ruby W.

Great response! Yes, research and analysis are vital skills now required for use and application of new technology. Networking and collaboration are also skills than can be quickly developed using new technology and skills that employers look for.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

I think students have had to learn how to digest multiple input vectors for learning. They don't just sit in a classroom and take notes from the instructor anymore. There's the textbook, of course, and other articles, but now they have videos and screen capture recordings to digest, as well as forum posts, wikis and blogs to read. Depending on the course subject they might even have to use Twitter or Facebook or some other social media in an assignment. All of these things broaden a student's learning skills because they come to understand that learning can come regardless of the medium.

I feel that technology if utilized in the right fashion will force students to become more creative. The applications of technology give endless possibilities that students can use to develop work products. For example, my students needed to create a presentation of some sort to present to the class on the topic of their choice. I was amazed at the presentations that were turned in by my students. Some students presented wikis, some created a web page interface and others use the more conventional PowerPoint presentation but added tremendous amounts of animation and narration. Each presentation provided a glimpse of the technology employed. These students also had to do research prior to putting together the presentation. Technology definitely makes research easier and many sources that at one time where not accessible are not at the students’ fingertips. This greatly facilitate the learning.


Yes, I like your approach here. Creativity is heightened as is customization and production. All of these are critical to professional success and should be maximized in the learning experience for our students.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

The use of new technology helps give students different options to accomplish their learning goals. For example, colloboration technologies, social networks, and VoIP have helped students share ideas and work more efficiently.

Erina ,
Great points! How have these also changed how you plan your instructional process?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

It allows them the ability to problem solve and critically evaluate information. They can make connections among concepts as well. They can be good at working online as a team with these new technologies.

Use of technology to develop new skills helps students realize the potential for learning that is contained in their everyday lives and their communications with others both in class and out of class. It also develops the skill of learning to rely on one's own ability to acquire information and, through the process of extrapolation, apply that knowledge to real-life situations.

Students learn valuable skills by learning how to navigate new software for medical coding by applying the coding guidelines. Employers expect new graduates to be prepared to use the technology tools used throughout the industry. The student becomes more marketable with the knowledge gained and skill built from taking the courses. This also prepares the student for credentialing exams as well. This meets the requirements of the curriculum mapping process from the course outcomes back to the program outcomes.

I agree - new technology skills are expected in most jobs these days.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

I teach English Composition -- argument, research, and documentation. Students learn how to effectively research topics in online library databases and on the Internet from their mobile devices, Ipads, Kindles, etc. They learn to communicate precisely and concisely online and share information through texting peers in their groups. With MS Word, they learn how to professionally format documents, organize information for different audiences, track changes, send attached drafts via Email to peers to review.

Great list, Tim! I agree wholeheartedly. I have found that with teaching online, I have to reach out even more to students to let them know I am aware of their progress, their challenges, and anticipate their needs.

Great skills - do you find that there are supporting skills that students are developing which you now can integrate into your assignments and value as part of the grade? I'm thinking of self-directed skills demonstrated in research projects, for example.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

The answers can range from a few skills to many skills depending on the type of technology. New technology can provide life skills, employment skills, confidence, new formats for communication and expression. Introducing new technology can allow all learning types to have formats to learn from and demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

I like using technology to support the learning on different levels. Linear thinking or instruction does not provide for creativity and deos not demonstrate the knowledge gained.

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