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This is what I normally do as well but I am going to try more word searches and crosswords. I also like the concentration game, it was one of my favorites growing up. I may do a spin on it using pictures as well as terms and match them.

I'm glad to hear you use some of the same strategies I do, and I hope the new ideas are incorporated into your classes and give you continued success in teaching.

I really like using crosswords, word searches, and small pop quizes (nothing hard) this helps them it really does.

I have purchased the software to create crossword puzzles and the students really enjoy them. It gives them a sense of accomplishment. I first did not put the answers at the end of teh puzzle, but then I thought that this is really "not a game". Any time that a student finds that correct answer, whether in their reading or fromt he pool of answeres, the are learning. They still have to "read" from the book or dictionary to understand the pool of answers - in order to pick the right one.

I have also used games from the DVD that comes with most Med Term text books. Most of the games a use a review. We give out "school cash" to the students in order to get items from the bookstore.

I love the reward system you described. Using school cash can make it possible for different motivators to be chosen by the learners themselves. Great idea!

I have used the crossword puzzles as homework and given a prize for the most correct. I have also used it as a small group project and given prizes to the group with the most correct. I found it more helpful to use it as a group project in the beginning when they are just learning the material, so they can talk through it. Using it as individual homework seemed to be better as a review technique for the exam.

Using activities in a variety of ways as you have described allows you to see what works best with different groups. You are doing a great job with that!

Well I have been doing the Word Search puzzle and of course all students of various ages do love looking for the words. Then some will do team playing--at this provides how team playing is based in the medical field. Plus gives enjoyment.

I encourage flashcards for students inorder to help with exams. By placing answer on one side and question on the other.

My students tend to test each other prior to the exam and love to see his or her interactions with students.

I do like to use crossword puzzles with my class but never thought of them as being used for a quiz. I will try that in the near future.

I'm glad you have had success as you can see many other instructors have, also. Keep up the good work.

It is a completely non threatening quiz and easy to disguise as something fun and lighthearted.

Crossword puzzles are wonderful to use as quizes. I agree with you when you say they are not as threatening.

I to have never used the crossword puzzle for a Quiz, just for busy work for my fast learners.

Shannon, you might think about using it as a quiz, too. It can lower learner anxiety and reinforce content at the same time.

I use a Jeopardy a $10,000 pyramid type activity in my class. I see positive results each time.

The instructor can provide positive feedback to his students so as to foster student self-confidence and encourage more active participation in the activity.


Crossword pluzzes are an excellent way to provide fun repetition of material for the student so as to improve long-term memory imprinting that will help with future recall of the material.


I create and use crosswords in several of my classes. As a way to review and reinforce concepts, I have also asked students to develop crosswords or word searches for a partner to complete. This seems to appeal to the analytical learners, the social students, and the individuals who require more repetition.

I haven't tried the Mystery Weekly Term activity, although I think it is another excellent way to appeal to a variety of personalities. I plan to incorporate this activity as well.

I enjoy using crossword puzzles as reinforcers, also Larry. They are not scary or anxiety producers and can be used as quizzes.

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