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An enthusiastic instructor increases the enthusiasm and engagement of the students by increasing the energy level of the classroom environment as well as demonstrating a connection to the course material.

Education is a great tool!  It gives back from what I have taken through life. I feel that making learning fun is also a great tool. I will be straight forward when needed. but a little fun never hurt no one!

In addition to maintaining enthusiasm throughout a course or a class period, I have found that it also helps in one-on-one interactions. I help teach English as part of my MA program, and my students are refugees/asylees new to the US. In the low-basic level class I assist, the students often struggle to understand full explanations in English, much less monotone, unenthusiastic, or directive one-on-one explanations. When I incorporate enthusiasm, upbeat attitudes, and even acting (i.e. to demonstrate "happy" or "fast" or "singing") the students appreciate it and they have something additional by which to remember the word or concept.



Each class you teach will influence whether your students will be one step closer to success or closer to quitting. It is amazing how many students are on the fence. You can’t tell someone to be enthusiastic but you do not act productively until you influence them.  

There is a need to set faculty mind that each class thought is the most important class they will ever teach.


An instructor that is not enthusiastic will squash intrinsic motivation and the likely extrinsic motivation for the resuting non engaged students will be the time at which the class ends and they can leave. The instructors enthusiasm on the subject motivates the student through engagement and instilling the desire to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

When the instructor has enthusiasm  in the classroom, students can feel more at ease and be more inclind to interact and retain what is being said. It will also allow students to interject more and not be afraid if the answer or comment is not correct when the instructor corrects them.  also like Daisy stated if they are having a bad day or came from a class they did poorly in coming to your class lifts them up because they know they will be made to feel good about themselves.


@gmeers Instructor enthusiasm has a great deal of influence on the students. I know that when I am enthusiastic about a particualr subject I can tell that my students are more interested in learning that subject. most of the topics I teach I am enthusiastic about because it is motorcycle repair but everyone has those days where they might not have gotten enough sleep or are feeling under the weather and their enthusuaism isnt quiter there and the interest of the students falls off.



Enthusiasm can be hard to maintain if the class begins with students who feel they should "be given the answers". These present a particular challenge in promoting intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.  This came as a surprise since these are adult learners. Hoever optimism and enthusiasm go a long way!

This is so true! I love to share my excitement with my students through stories from the hospital, as well as advancements in medicine.@kgigliotti

What a great question! Instructor enthisiasm is very important. However, the instructor must also practice self-care in order to provide and maintain a positive enviroment.

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