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I teach Electronic Technologies and it can be very dry. I find the more I show my own enthusiam in the use of mmy own experience and use examples of how this knowledge will have a direct affect on how good they are as Technicians, has a positive affect on my students.

I agree. If we

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

It is all about "selling" the content to the students and you are doing that through your enthusiasm, passion and excitement about helping them move forward with their careers.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

It seems to me that enthusiasm is an ingredient that inspires interest on the students part. I agree with another person who stated that enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm. I believe ultimately I want my students to be interested enough to continue learning the topic outside of the class. I love it when people are self initiating their own learning in an area. Then they can share with each other. That helps them to stay inspired and makes the instructor a guide and facilitator rather than the person with all the answers.

I feel that Instructor enthusiasm is a must. No-one wants to enter a classroom and instantly feel negativity and complacency. I greet each student by name and ask them how their night or weekend went. If they had a rough time while they were away from school, this gives them a time to vent and get rid of any negativity they are feeling. It also gives them an opportunity to share something good that may have happened. I try to keep a smile on my face at all times and be genuine. I make a big deal out of the good grades they are making and the progress I am seeing in each one of them every day. If they feel positive achievement toward their goals, they will be there for the next step. Class has to have a fun side or negativity and boredom take over.

I actually struggle with buying into this approach because I believe that, as a society, we are amusing ourselves to death (to quote Roger Waters! :)). The more we buy into the 'enterain me' concept, the more we will create students who will eventually be unable to learn in any meaningful way. What is entertainment? It's something to pass the time, enjoy it for a moment, then go home and forget all about it (concerts, sports, movies, etc.. come to mind). Why is entertainment now in our schools, houses or worship, etc..?

I believe, yes, we need to be enthusiastic about the material we teach. Yes, we need to show our students that what they are learning has value not only in their chosen career but in life (i.e. make life applications to the material). Enthusiasm is contagious! But I truly believe we are (in the long run) doing a disservice to students by producing a culture of 'entertain me'.

Passion for one's field and enthusiasm for teaching about it are to essential elements needed for teaching success. Yes, enthusiasm is catching so it is fun as an instructor to spread it around. The results are tremendous.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

We need to bring our A game to class each and every time it meet. We are the learning leader so we need to reflect a level of excitement that engages students. It is catching!

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Thank you for your reflective analysis in terms of instructional delivery. I think you are right on the mark with how you see education benefiting our students. I think there is a difference between entertainment and enthusiasm. By mixing passion for one's field with enthusiasm for teaching it you have a combination for engaging students in the learning process so they to can become passionate about their career choice.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

When an instructor shows enthusiasm in the class and shares their experincesit also shows a human side of the instructor.
It allows students to maybe see in the future they may have some fun and exciting experience's to look forward to and not just the performance of skills.

it is important as a instructor to be prepared and know the material in order to present it in a matter that is FUN. Using examples and scenarios, real live examples provide creditability of the instructor. Enthusiasm is contagious. If you love what you are doing it is easy to be part of the class.
Students can read and evaluate instructors accurately, if an instructor shows up not prepared reading off slides and provides no other information students are not going to connect to learn.

Well said in so many ways. Bringing passion about your field to the class and enthusiasm for teaching goes a long way in engaging students. Using examples and making applications brings value to the content and increases the motivation level of the students. This sets up a win win situation for everyone in the class.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Instructor enthusiasm influences student retention in a direct manner. For example if the instructor lacks passion and enthusiasm about the subject they are teaching it will be quickly picked up on by students. The students may infer that the instructor is not passionate about this particular subject therefor it is unimportant. This will reflect in their quiz scores as well as their answers to the instructors questions on the subject.

Passion for one's field and enthusiasm about teaching are two essential elements of the instructional process. You are right if the instructor is not excited about being in the classroom it is for sure the students won't be.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I truly try my best to make my classes interactive and entertaining in order to keep my students as engaged as possible.

Imagine sitting in a class with the instructor sitting amongst discussing the topic of the class. This instructor would arrive with the other students in the class and pretend he was a new student in the class. About 10 - 15 mins into the class, after he had a chance to meet and talk with several of us, he would stand up in the room and say: "I would like to introduce myself - I will be your instructor". That was a great Ice-breaker.

I know my students do better when I let out my naturally entertaining style. (which I've always thought of as being pretty goofy, but) students respond to the positive energy. It keeps them involved and focused

Good for you. This makes learning more enjoyable as well as engaging for your students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Fun way to start a class. I am sure the instructor learned a lot from chatting with the students in this format so when he stood up he was able to personalize the information he shared with the students. Thanks for sharing this ice breaker with us.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Selling yourself through your personality is what it is all about. As long as the students respond to your style and you are helping them to acquire the needed content you are on the mark. Keep being you.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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