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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Technology is a tool and not a Process

We need to look at technology as a tool and not as a process. Technology allow us to process our teaching in a way that is very effective, and create a channal of communication between the teacher and the students. Technology let us to overcome time limitation and open the door for more interactive learning and scholarly processing the best parctices in educating our students.


Different forms of learning

During this training, I have found answers to many questions during my life as a teacher. One of them is why many students being brilliant in class discussion of a problem applied to real life, were not able to have good results in traditional exams. The answer is here: not everyone has the same way of expressing what they have learned during class.
Now I feel better prepared for a blended course.


As a somewhat new instructor to online education, I found the EL101 course to be an important tool for learning what not only goes into the design of a course but how it should be effective. I have spent over 20 teaching in the traditional classroom and to be able to see behind the scenes reaffirms my beliefs in the success of online education. It also opens my eyes as I look toward the future in possibly designing online courses.



eLearning Environments

I think one of the most significat items in developing a class is to have it organized and presented clearly for the students. 

This is important because when they log in and read over the syllabus and tasks, if they have too man un-answered questions it delays they from getting started with the owork.  After teaching a class a few times, I know the top 10 questions the students always ask, so I create a list of these questions with answers and I email it to the students on the first day of class.  This reduces the confusion and gets… >>>

Maria Villasmil

Online learning has facilitated the development of digital skills, which I have been developing and applying in the course of everyday work.
It is very important to navigate the technology on the Web, so my plan as a teacher and student is to continue developing and applying digital skills.

What does eLearning Currently mean?

My sense is that most learning environments integrate some form of eLearning now. The lines between online and F2F are disappearing because most resources are now online.  I think we are slowing down the developmnet process by continuing to see ourselves in one or the other "mode".  The more we learn and become familiar with online, the more helpful our courses will be to students and also the less we will remove oursleves from what we really need to participate in - I'd love to hear from others on this....

I am a novice

I am just testing the water.... a lot to learn.

Action Plan

I plan on utilizing th instructiuon design plan to review the existing courses that we have in order to better effect student outcomes.  In addition, modeling the course content through course design templatees should improve the feel of courses across different ointrucorts as well.

New to this

Just posting as I am getting my feet wet with this online education.   Thank you!!!

Online Courses

Online courses are very good.  My organization uses them mainly for a distance learning phase, followed by a in-classroom phase.


Excellent course as it provided a world of knowledge on information alreadly known to new information.  It help me hit the reset button on my previous thoughts and provided a way forward.  Great course


Dr. Sampson

Tips for Retention ~ EL201

I really enjoyed this course which was chock full of great information to enhance online learners experience and retain them as students. As we are instructing "online" our tone may not be reflected in virtual messages we are sending. Therefore, I really appreciated the examples of "positive language" we can use to address student issues, and concerns, including the use of emoticons which further express our feelings that cannot be seen in a virtual message. As noted in the presentation, "The words we use reveal much about our attitudes and intentions. It is important to be thoughtful with language and… >>>

Blog vs Discussion

I'm not sure I understand the difference between a blog and a discussion if anyone can start a new discussion and anyone can comment on a blog.

Technology for All

The modern world of education is more than the old 3-R's.  It means staying current with developing trends in technology. No longer is it sufficient to provide written material even if it is enhanced with graphics and charts. Today's students crave interaction with their coursework as much as they do in their everyday lives. Text-heavy content can dull the attempt to present fresh new material. Cliche graphics no longer stand the test of time in a world of nano-bites, and nano-seconds. Time is limited and attention spans short when it comes to actual time on task, so educators need to… >>>


Having knowledge of the courses makes it very easy to teach and deliver the material. Less reading out og books

Action Plan

This module provide a nice basis to integrate the ideas pf structural integrity, navigational simplicity, active leaner centered learning, and intellectural interaction in my online classes.


I creat quite a few motivational announcments ane emails throughout my courses.  This tends to really help my students and I get a lot of feedback on the impact it has on them to continue with school. 

Organization is Key!

I believe that organization is the key to creating a successful e-learning environment.  Students must be able to easily navigate the site and understand where all course materials are located.  I also find it useful to guide the student with appropriate settings that force a student to complete prerequisites first.  Check Your Understanding quizzes at the end of each lesson or module are also beneficial to gauge student understanding of the material.

Best Practices

Engage learners in frequent discussions and promt students to respond with critical thinking