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eLearning Environments

I think one of the most significat items in developing a class is to have it organized and presented clearly for the students. 

This is important because when they log in and read over the syllabus and tasks, if they have too man un-answered questions it delays they from getting started with the owork.  After teaching a class a few times, I know the top 10 questions the students always ask, so I create a list of these questions with answers and I email it to the students on the first day of class.  This reduces the confusion and gets the started right away with the tasks they need to accomplish


Yes, it seems that a syllabus provides structore and eases their mind so that they can focus on the topic at hand.  Syllabus & Road Maps also gives the student a guideline to aid with their time management in the Asynchronous class.

I've always appreciated receiving a syllabus from my instructors.

So when does an instructor provide too much information for their students?  




Thanks for that great insight!  I love the idea of giving them the answers of top questions, so they can move right into learning.  I wil be looking for those as we begin our classes!


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