Employment Verification Program Implementation | Origin: CS202
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Best Practices in Graduate Employment Verification & Documentation --> Employment Verification Program Implementation
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It is best to have a workflow of the documentation process so all the parties involved have an idea of expectations and path to self-check compliance on. A good workflow eliminates errors and helps with audits.
Standard operating procedures, checklist and internal audits will help eliminate any problems with external audits.
I loved the chart that allows us to compare the requirements across different accrediting bodies for verifying employment.
It is recommend for best practice to have a workflow or process when it comes to the documentation of placements
Apply best practices in workflow to eliminate errors and structure information so that it can be easly reviewed by other accediting bodies or auditors.
Having steps set up for a workflow is important to ensure better recordkeeping and more accuracy and it is never up to one person whether or not something counts.
The importance of internal audits are not just beneficial for before the report is due but something to plan on doing more often such as quarterly to help ensure mistakes have not been made or that something has not been missed. I think this would be helpful since I am one person looking at the same data all of the time.
it is imperative to eliminate data errors by handling student's records with care and by reviewing the documents that are included in files. Higher education institutions should implement a workflow process to ensure that data errors are eliminated; it is also important to strive for continuous improvement.
I have learned the importance of clearly communicating with both the studetn/graduate and the stakeholder/employer why we conduct employment verificaiton becuase they are more abt to particiapte if they are aware what is going on and why. Thus, I will make sure to clearly communicate the imporance of employment vericiation with both the students/gradutes and the employers so as to increase the outcomes.
Clear communication and establishing expectations with the students/stakeholders/ employers in the beginning is important. Also it is everyone responsibility to participate in the continuous improvement process in the verification program. of developing ways to prevent error in data collection. There should also be checks and balances (QA) process. It is everyone's responsibility for data integrity
Again, accuracy is critical. Perfection is impossible, and we can expect mistakes, but the more diligent we are with ensuring an effective workflow and checking our accuracy can lead to more reliable data.
Communication is key to elicit buy-in and collaboration from these stakeholders (students, graduates, employers and institution) which is necessary for successful data collection.
Clean, comprehensive data is critical.
Implement workflows and processes to ensure the integrity, maintenance, retrieval and auditing of all collectible data.
Proper work flow is key to reaching goals/deadlines as well as staying organized. Being able to convey why we are collecting this data and re-verifying information will help us receive more accurate data from individuals ultimately. Also, perfection is unrealistic and does not exist. As individuals part of a larger institutaiton, we should always strive to handle information carefully especially using multiple platforms or ways of communication between different parties.
Another take away is setting clear expectations about job placement and the role the student plays in their success.
Having a workflow in place is strategic when collecting data and verifying data collected.
I have gained a few more tools to ensure the students understand their own roles and responcibilities when it comes to career services and job placement. Helping to manage expectations and getting buy in is essential.
I learned the many ways to continuously improve data collection and how to be detailed in record keeping. This benefits not only the integrity of the data but helps with supporting the students and provides accountability after graduation. Communication is key and having an agreed-upon exit interview validates responsibilities on both ends.
Engaging with students early on in their education so that a dialogue is created with career services. That way verifying employment/ gathering paperwork is an easier process on the student and the Institution. Having a standardized process to collect and process graduate data will minimize verification errors.
The best way to ensure that the documents are completed is doing a internal auditing and a paper doing a checkmark of the documents that are field.
I learned the different ways to efficiently record data and the importance of accuracy when recording. The documentation for verification is a process that must be accurate and following the correct steps or process will lower the possibility of common mistakes. The communication between the students and career services is more beneficial when the expectations are clear and set forth.