Jessica Rigetta

Jessica Rigetta

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Set clear expectaions and guidlines of proper communication.  Using a ruberic can help lay out expectaions and increase participation.


Using technology tolls is essetial for effective communication.  researching the the best tools for what you are wanting to accomplish with the student and the intrauctor is very important.


When documenting case notes, be complete with your actions, not vague and no slang.  For best practice, use MAPP Motive - Assessmemt - Progress - Plan

Apply best practices in workflow to eliminate errors and structure information so that it can be easly reviewed by other accediting bodies or auditors.

There are many factors to consider when veriifying placement. Placement needs to be verified accuratly and legally.  There are several ways to obtain verification.  Placement verification also needs to be clearly defined as an in-feild placment.

Accurately reporting is essential for higher education so that it can continue to offer programs that have good outcomes, funding for students and provide accurate data outcomes to remain in compliance.


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