Jennifer Pike

Jennifer Pike

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I have learned there are several important compnonents to consider and include when documenting a plcaement such as: custodian identifiaction, clear, time stampled, legible, permancen, acceptabele terminoolgy adn current. Thus, I will make sure not to use any abbreviations that are not universaly understooad and use a font and color that is easily legible. 


I have learned the importance of clearly communicating with both the studetn/graduate and the stakeholder/employer why we conduct employment verificaiton becuase they are more abt to particiapte if they are aware what is going on and why. Thus, I will make sure to clearly communicate the imporance of employment vericiation with both the students/gradutes and the employers so as to increase the outcomes. 


I have learned there are several factors that must be considered before a student can be considered "placed" or "employed in field" such as: employment, employment type, hours or frequency of work, compensation, employment relevance to program of study, continuing employment, graduate sentiment, timing of measurement, length of employment. Thus, I will make sure to follow up with my gradutes to confirm they are still employed in their company after the time alloted by my institution and regulatory bodies.


I have learned that further education is looked at by legislators in the political world to see what HEI will give the ROI, this schools are not just for students to learn but is also policitally motivated wherein the HEI that has the best ROI will recieve public funding. I have also learned the knowledge is the key to education and employment in todya's world where in the past it was: land, labor and capital.

I have learned that the different types of experiential learning programs not only allow students to practice and apply the knowledge and skills they are learning in the classroom but also increases employment opportunties becuase they are applying thier skills and gaining epxeirence in their chosen career field and thus employers will see this on their resume or see them in these learning programs and will be more adapt to hire them because they will already have some expereince under their belt whcih is what employers and human resources look for when hiring.  


I have learned that admissions plays a vital role in a student's success in employment wherein if they do not have students complete a self-awareness questionere, they may be enrolling in a program that does not align with their interests and abilites and are thus doomed to be unsuccesful in this field becuase they are not interested in it or are not cut out for it. I intend to bring this idea up with my director to see if we can meet with the admissions director and admissions team to ensure they are appropiately directing students in the correct path… >>>

I have learned that you can reach out to the community to build relationships with that will not only help with employment opportunities for students and alumni but also help them overcome employment barriers wherein these companies could provide guest speakers and seminars on interviewing, and work place readiness. I have also been reminded of the importance of early intervention with students wherin it is critical to build strong and trusting relationships with students from their first day of class until post graduation. I intend to not only meet with students in the classroom in the beginning and end of… >>>

I have learned that is not JUST the responsiblity of the Career Services Department to help students and graduates start working in the field but it is the institution as a whole responsibility which really makes sense; it starst with the admissions rep becuase this is where the student first comes to learn about the school and forges a close relationship and trusts thier advice and then goes on to thier instructor who not only teaches and provides knowledge but also is their cheerleader and provides them encouragment and self esteem and then goes on to the admininstration (Dean, President,… >>>

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